Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York (2024)

Wpi 'Gti ii i hi; I4 r. I if ill si i TrigwAflgs. knew tbe amok. thataaaJaarlr wnMM rota, bie Una 1WU Jewer 1 oapprneu iv atfoonort reawjr.aa.ye wli3'; Bol tbe JmIm pnffrd on, and I bwitl Hie Man who etiw. J'iww.

Cne'llme in 'AtUDW mtu, a puniot tar. who had JtceisJibtn.ann' hmd iu.tua ick wooda; ftftopenctL loli in JiT4ilraVt the binkiofXIwlfalherof larjwrV.Tiu' mod mafcnifieeril iteimWati waalyin at Ui''jpi'i! 'jr wolfkui" cnp.iand Woe homo ipUn Irawnra throat int. hi nonioitohid Ilia hnje were adorned wih, it.se ri and aer rml truii'ix larrf at BUlmeFt, which eat! notice of feu pi" i hi Uia 'ratde' of; the rtjitilc AUrSctfd yjla aound tr.imiKC, the ceniatatiaica mi ooaiH uieuuai aou iwwnu iu captsrillller lere moofhtjt. come out o(C "A piano" forte, tir.T n. fc, t.ta, ueni.

P.ana forte!" Never hern Of ihemVrv) Umoji fow Where moujjht it, bej ''lo tli lomot cibia. tic" "Moojrht I.Uke look rtlhe Ihinjr 3ertain1y iir w1k down." "Tha" Arkan'saa 'nun needed no farther invitation, lie went dawn etair, into Ih cabin; where two tables were la'id orjl for dinnWJ, Walking up the uamw'pauage; between Ibero, he awept off knives and forka by tbe awing of his coat flaps hut ibtcnl wai rte tipon the music! arid the piano at rte; aitheat eiid of the that be heeded not the rpiu which be had the with bra The join I lady Who wai acated at con iiuni playing, and tho atrueor jria wrapped in eilwnt wonder' At' length; whcnTlhe aoahd tie raised hi cap and addreased the audience "Ladies, I ara ranch oblired to yon forthe kindness clone I never' ijiem aJore, and again.7; You appear to be iery mneb plaued with it," l.unil lada.111 "WJiyVyee ma'am, tarn aomewhat and per hap. Iahould.ike.il belter if I had. an ear for music like rny well luoajb, bulif my brother' Dick' coold only hear that ere.thins, ladies hii tar hi) taut aid fall right thru' it Lord A'niWt. Aflcr a witneaa.

on a capital trial liad hialordahip aaid to bira "Sir', I have one more' question to ask you, and remember you aro upon your Yon aay yon are from BrechiaT .1 "Yea, tny lord 7 "Whuu do yon return thither I' 'To morrow, my lord." l)o job kBow Collin Gilfiei 7" Yee.rriyioWrikhow him' Tory "'Then1 tell him Itball breakfnat w'rth him on Several frienda wen eonrertJDji few ereninra eince, when the clock etrnck IK Ml is aaid uie, "tint bouMt men were a bed." "That may be." aaid another, "but yea need not be in 1 bnr ry on ot aecoouU The Boatou Poat retorts, opon aome "sm art," fellow iu the followiog queer manner: "The person who acnt ra atopy of the Boston Post, with Jack Aaa. written opoq the' margin, i requeated totnfonnua at what ataiie he can be founds n. 1 ill 1 A ceulletnan in Bostoa who did not trust to hia luemory, wrote in 'hia pockel book "mem. a that l'ni to be married on Cbrietmaa." TESTED BT THOCSaSDSU "AiTc5 tTnaxdrrrotteJr Approved "a 'n TwyFd2 I fiaptiEWT ''l IqI BROXOJIBOMA, Tbe way to insure tood I licattb, to Articular tbe "choice ofonr 1 rood, audio aroKlCTTuuiitTiuuui 7 thstisaatreadUy most nourlihlng aluaeal fot a tooming jepast and the Boat certain tbe SKOTOBKOMA, (or "Foodror an lartanUyiaolubla.Cocoa pre pared in one minute witn bolUnj water OBly. In this urrparatloa the Indif ertibleoilj otwtance(Uie Butter, CCacM, abandantlaeTeiT rreparatioa of fcboco lilc la tbe old war, la not oaljr.

neutralised, but rendered exceedingly nutritious, producing a pleassnt, delicious and hetlthful berersj e. hTbe above csn be procured only at tlMWEtllSuCOlT'SHimrpmnmEmailukmnl, Who also are sole Agents for the sale of the Honuzo patblc Cocoa and Chocolate, patronised and reooOr mended by the BrilUh Homoeopathic 1 Uouatry orders ezreated wltbtmnctaslity abd des. pMctuiriJ lilt, jj The monkey Jacke't'lhat the Isdiea wear now, made of blue and scarlet stufli or of velvet, tus, are inucbijtalked We like Some ridU culethtm, though The pprabeosioi' seems to be that after wearing the coat they Taay'deaire to near Iba breechca 35r 9i j5is.aii' "eosrriVxaxss; Si Dr. Wrlrbt Detr Slri I hare been afflicted with blbltual costlreness and all iu aUerulIng erils, ror the rat star or tight years, and bite tried most or the different and medicines In wa with but little or no effect and reading; tbe reconunendatloo of your pills on, a abow board, concluded to jive your Indisn Veetshle P11U 1 fair trisi; and after using tbe bekt part of three or four boxes, found myself perfectly curedAnd to thowperwas who are similarly say aire them a LrUl jW 1 CW.Wwaii. (' Wrifb'l Bruit's BatUTf.

rrem the Editor of the People's Advocate.) uinixose.Ta'. March 19, IMS. W. Wrijhl DesrSirr. I would be clad If crery men, woman and child in the country could become atquainted with the THOROUGH and r.rrlCfEXT anilities of WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEG ETABLE Tipr hare used no other medicine for the but eural years, ana nave ever souna it, wuo sp praprlatealeUto oirste as thoroughly upon the bad qualities ta my stomach and bowels as Cipt Brsgg's battery Aid upon colds, ksjJfijeSk, (Yront county, NewTork.) Dr.

W. Wricht Dear Slfl Hiring used your Indian Ves etable Pills my famrty ror a considerable length orikasevand rn mnneroas ailments, such as colds, headache and other disorders incident to the climate, I can speak knowingly oF their virtue. The use of them bss always 'been attended with the rnovt bene ficlat remits; not only In rayeiSRamlly, but among my mends and neighbor; Tbe second or third dose hardly fails te produce the desired eSect. I bare known them to be severely tested, but they hare always been equal to the They operate wltaoas preduclnrtlebillty, which is not tbe esse with other From my own experience and ob hare no hesitation in ssying that Wright's Indian Veretsble Pills are always a safe and reliable mediciner our 001 servl, J01111 Jr. rfPenons going West or South, would do well to tske with them an ample supidy of this medicine, as a rrevenriTe and cureof Southern and Western fet era.

Beware af Cautertrita and Imlulisas. Re member inairne origins! nrnij Reaaine 1 1iaii VEGETABliE FILLS hare the written signature of Willism WaioMT on the top label of each box. The leauine is for sale by GEORGE NAGELL and O. Ac L. HOPKINS, Pougbkeepsie A.

SI. Cocks Co, FlsbkUl Landing I C. Hsssaneau, Bed Hook, and by Agents In every village and townin the State. Omces devoted to tbe sale of Wright's Indisn Vegetable Pills, wholessle and retail, 169 Race st. Philadelphia 988 Greenwich st.

Mew. York, and 196 Tremont at. TJATEST XEVEBI1AV PRESS, a food one, Jt' hat UtUe used. tor ssle chesp by Mov.18.' TKOWBB1DOK WILKINSON. TiEW tULLIKERY GOODS 1.

raiBE subscriber bsving JuK returned from tf 1' New York with Xrw Gd tot the Fall A and Winter, would tske this method of Informing her pstrons and all whom It may concern, that she a comnlrte aMortment of ususlly fcejit in her Also a very extensive lot of Ladies Cleako of the most fashionable colors and shapes for the coming season, at 373 main street, up suits, in inane unnan Bunding. 49 MRS. E. HARRISON. MU.UNERV AND FANCY GOODS.

At TlrBS. J. PETERKIStskesthlsmeth jt CTllU odrespectfally to invttethe atten 2n Atun of the Ladies of this viUsge and coun ty to the very extensive assortment of MILLINERY EMBROIDERIES and FANCY GOODS now in store, known as the Dateless Comfy Lac Sttrt, 304 Main st. Mrs. P.

gives her undivided attention to the manufacture of Bsaaets, Dress Caps aad Head Dresses, combining the requisite qualities, neatnes of style nd snub. Haviiur jut returned from Sew York. I am prepared to oner the various styles of Goods as low as lucr lea he )juiuiveu uicwuiuj. X7N. if OnWednesdsy, Oct.

11th, I will open for Inflection the new Fall and Winter styles of MUli neryat the Show Rooms over the store, 304 Msin street, Pougbkeepsie. 49 Oct.6,lste. ATEH'S CHBHHT For CoaJrAsV CtUU? CroifAatom, HmntHUti Hoop imt CmtkBrmckirtt cms Cnuwnptio' mHIS valuable preparation Is now acknowledged to JL he the only known and certain remedy for pulmonary complaints. Pbyaidsns before whom it has been placed. 'He Pectorsl their unquslined prliw ai an artlcli of rare ejcel leace, and onelcxt which dependence can be placed in cases of affections of tbe Lungs.f.ead the following terttmony and Judge carefully from It It fom men of known respectability, not from persons bf Whom you hive never before DB.J.

V. CfMITH. Surgeon or the Port of Boston, says "It gives me pleasure to with approbation of such 1 medicine at Is here odered to tie PROFESSOR CLEVELAND, of Bowdoin College, Brunswick; Maine, writes: 1 have witnessed the effects of your Cherry Pectoral In my own smlly and in that of my friends, and it has given great estirfsctton in cases both of adults and tmin'L dh. PERkiUs, President of Vermont Medical College, one of the most lesrned and intelligent physicisns in the country, considers it a composition of rare excellence for the cure of that formldahlediacue, Consumption." PROFESSOR WEBSTER, of Harvard University, says. In a report to the Mas achuiettsChsritsble Mechanics' Assoclstiom "Tho evidences of Its success as a remedy, sufficiently show that it may be relied upon withconfldence for the relief ot the numerous aud afflicting pulmonary diseases incident to our climate." A VOrCE FROM MASSACHUSETTS.

From Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Postmaster, Chlco pee Fslls, Mansxchusetls. DtJJ. C.Aytrt Dear Sir Enclosed please find re mittsnee for all the Cherry Pectoral let sent me. can unhesitatingly say that no medicine we sell gives such satisfaction as yours does nor have I ever seen a medicine which cured so msny eases of Caughs and Lung Complaints.

Our physicisns are using it extensively in their practice, and with the happiest effects. Truly yours, IV M. BRYANT, Friu'S CtnU fir BMlt. Sold by TRIVETT awl VAN VOORHIS TROWBRIDGE, Pougbkeepsie. 4mC0 NEW AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES.

AKTHESfcCASDEEare still to be found at 2T40BA Main street, ready to eimoutnemost full taA BOOTS ivn eunjrs raer ofliired in old Dutchess. We hall not undertake to enumerate the articles that comprtxe this great and desirable stock, nor shall wc publish our prices, because ten years experience In business in this 4sca has been sufficient to teach us thst when our customers shall ask for a price, then will be the time to give it. But wc pledge ourselves to supply our pstrons and the public on as reasonable terms, and with as good an article, as can be found In anyother estabiisnmeni in tnisviusxcor ciBcwncic, Fleasecalland examine tor yourselves. Pougbkeepsie, AprU 3, 1847. 70 BALL'S HORSE POWTltSANDJBXESRINO' HJ.CHIXES.

rTCHESEcelctjrtled raAdimesmay now be procured Jj of th snbacribeni 3 fperience has shown them ttba auperlorto nyotherala tisi rardurahnitn. noirar. eas of working, and Numerous test! monlala from well known and Intelligent farmers who have had thm In use torn one year to ten years, win be shown to purchasers, i. i 1 The Horse powers may be bad for'one or two horses, the Threshers overshot or onder.no;, and with or without a sepsrator, and at reduced prices. A'Horso Power nd Thresher, complete With 1 belt, and superior to any made win now beaold f6n, Hundred SOnV, jg Foundry, 174 Main st.

IQC1D.HAIR DYE Just received IBDNXSD STXXUUAXBWAUEAIfB CUILEKIr 1 d.i...' Tlitail. I 1 rTIHE subscriber baa. "Aw 'on' hand, tho best jaasort mentof Iron anc Steel Hardware. and Cutlery Lt. hav been crar ouerou lit ui" wuinj, aju turcbued Cash and will be sold at the lowest rTZTTu ul mmn fhM tlCt articles 'rV' VIZ A fcl.

tut caa UCwUVAw9. BrCQf Vila IsHUl nifCUHUUiria us vifaaJi tu. TsftM'U aaa" 01. aignvtc.fAWJvvaM jISBISEIIIIIIIIHIH IMsmWl mmiana si III IVttTll i RtwteitTrtniJtnisox ATTORSSYfrSpUCSTORBAItDCOmSELLORS, ly umc4 nov 10 uaraea iu fongaxcci sitj. A9AU1X JlEaBICK.

ATTOWrer; SOUCITOa. INDfCpUNSEatatOR: Office ait M.rketit. "14 Foughimi. Attorneys and Councilors vOrricKMMakM'STmrf Two door of. StmptonV Hotel, Foufihkecp Jr.

TKOurtotr Jm30J Wiiui. The Sublime. 'Tie or.ui crand I calkerlite To sit beside fartr ibetv tamet bull frogs join fSAV NONET! 10,000 WvrUL Dry OMdt. aad Humbms RECiVEDttb9Cfmp FRE.VCH 16 Ma.nwttwnta Powltke ie, 4 cues of the finet FRENCH MERIXOS for Cloak ud, Ci.iu.r3tc. all wool 1 cue sakt rfjr.drcAM, the Inert t'ulaioiMr green i blue and fcold shide 300 Brocba and hawja, WO Winter X.Mtf 2hiwU; a lane votUnent ol Mtimftxt Natural woir, Mone Irtbelie Bear, Cooeya Grey Fos, fccfrom $1 60 caieB Trci Good, entirely new uperitir to any and I to SiU Friiieanrt Glmpii for cloako and.dreset.loo lierceioi red.

wbitoaiMl yllow, Flannel, 00 tlercea Canton 4 cent and upwirdsWpM FuiUttrePtrtnU.from cent and apvrird( 300 4cn Gentlemen' and La tieMmitt)ruf a Urge a ortmentof twiery.GloTe. Woolen and Line Towel jJiacaand En lW. MrrinoafrDBOtoSScta. Muiin ite Xaine from cent and apward, a artfrimiMit of Silk 'eck and Packet Kand Fmirli and DomUc Sfndetotku CmMtimtn; Doe nil ius LiniUry Wovlrrji, Cordiirois Lace VeUi and ajms TJireadraCacrH, Bubmett Lacett, French Tatilcatitl Pin t'orrrj German Silver and other UtuUAilsjJgaXiaJ'Ot 'MUQ 4AiaCBii.Of fllltbwWTfffm trl liJ Mflft cenlx, l.iiK tanda tliiiuan(totl)crd1cren( article too nu oJd at from dAtaMpcr fnt lv than In any oilier wion iA Povshkcep ie or Smr Trk ThU litj hecotne a ctlled fact by the nimitiotxatntunVof pood. I hate aold durina; one rnugnkcep lc, tntf lie tile ihcreainff daily.

I am vrrr tbinfcfuli'of I')" patconace. and Cope by tilnlitanil hnncr mej.iti. continuance. I.tuictfiforr wisTnuiUlctv3j4 Mainatreet. GOaiXG, Sole Proprietor.

Syi'nt thf; cutivenlence of mj customer, (which imrrJn dailJ my tore will be enlarged aflei Jaituarr nrn. A Wholesale JLitattwi tm tne aecond atory forCaautrf AteixhtntlUlierandtora keepew, wheTC Gon'di can be bought by tbe piece cheaper than from the New York Jobber. TJEATHER5 FEATHERS. A cbo Ire lot of Geese Fealhera for sale iiow oy TBOWfiRIDGE WILKINSOV. pQMhkeepaie, Feb.

13, 1848. 15 CHAIRS at the NEW CABINET WARE ROOM. Main aUlVIaborany, Curled Maple, BUik Walnut and common of erery deucription, at factory at the Red Mill. Poupiikeei e. 31 CsBAaS.

H. WOODRUFF. XEW DISCOVERY OF AS EXTRAORDINAKT rMEDICIXE. DR. RCIOrS REWOVATORf TTTBICH efl'ectt the ereateat number of arftonl hinr cures in the least time of any medicine.

Get a circular tbe Agent, Eut TajTrrr. and read the rfat number of certificatef all from tbe place where Dr. inidudinftue actinrt County. 'Jodrea, tha Suitrrvlror. the Post Maatera, stnd President of iheBauk.kc.'Vcs Such an rray of Terwhetminy trsUmony hss never been adduced from one jdace in a ror of any medicine; threaUmesas many.couJdoe fumibed from the ame pUce.v It cores in nearly crery case the most formidable dtseaie Scrofula, in it Tailed including att of the blood,) Llrer Couiplaint, Dyspepsia, and Conaump.

tton, ir theLunKs aro net nearly tliwtroyrds also Broitt2uli.Eheuaattm, Erysipelaa, Dweues of the Kidneys. AU diaes rroduced by an tinpore "tte uf the blood or other fluids, which may be here ditary. or arise from innoculatioa or a want or action in one ir more of the organ, either of excretion, ae rrrtioii, abttorjvtion, or nutrition, in which case the ouiiy11uiii matter or waOa, resulting from tbe ne cfcry processes of life, accumulate ia aome (land or uttuT part of aQieayitexa, producinf awellinjta. In flammntion, tubercles, ulcerations. Ax.

prvducimr disease of omeone or more ory ana inheaystem, which receives a name by physicians according to tho cirran orpans affected by these unpoxitie. Aemore thr cauH! and the cffpct ceuea. The cited tbe RENO VATOR i. peculiar; it ia ten tuevmti re efficacious Hydi lodato Potash, or all combined, Tact ban been trorJin hundreds of case It xcite 4BTry an tbe sy eu to action and thus removea ob bad state of tho Auida. In tbiaay otdy can dMearb cnreoVand in this way anyjlMoucaa be, unless there a vdestracUon of some important ojpan that cannot be.

repaired. The rviuute uor of disease i impurilieat the icUing 4uau i.erposure, beating tbe blood, JDr.F. ua a tew preftarationa that accompany the Renovator, which ahould be used according to airec jn certain caev bee circvlara which may be ut'tained from tbe afcnt 't Dr. FaU4ta BuiBTia or Citat new certificats til apiwtar'wreklr. Fur sale byXLIAS TRIVETT, wbolefale and re IT rpASLEsattbeNEW CABINET WARE ROOM.

IM Main rt. Centrr. Card. iPler, Tea, Dining Tables, cbeaicr thao the Ba.4at4BVp.w 1 MatftitactorT at the Red His, Pouvhkeetvie. si vnaa.

n. wuuinuxr. S3 ACKEREL. No. 1, 3 and 3 Mackerel, llXlJiln whole, half and quarter bbls.

just I received and for Uefcy, Nov, I84t. W.W.fc J. REYNOLDS, Jr. COJTS PATEXT IMPROVED SPARKUNG GELATIN. Cooper's lainglaa and Ruiian do.

VA3 VOORBIS tTROWBRIDGE JiOMiinst. POWER CORN SI1ELLERS. Theee machines bare been ti ied and give eicellent satisfaction, and cot only 4 "iO. We bare also several kinds of Hand Corn shellers; to all of which we invite tbe attention of Fanners and others wanting them. D.

ARNOLD Ac SON. ftts HALF BARRELSHalf barrels of J. K.LiTinton and ArchiUes ills Flour, Jorsalebv W.W.ac J.RErN'OLDS. Jr. sAbecJW48.j 49 TEA AND COFFEE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AIR TIGHT PRIAM COOX STOVE OF TROY pHIS Store Is on exclusive air tight princi I for coal or wood.

It Is presented by the subscribers to tbe public, as combining more oeful Dualities than anr heretofore in rented. JFtrr economy it hat no precedent, as it consume only cent ir day of fuel, for No. 4 store. for aOswUttr mmd eomvenitme itbaa ummer turnace that can be attached or detached at pleasure It haa also tbe td vantage of ROASTING in troiit srith a tin oyrp i Thn fMt stove has advantage 'over atlothers by the great extent of surface of beat, which is obtained by baring Sunk Fluts in the Bottom and Back Oren P.aie. The top of the stoTe can be altered from four to one hole, for the purpose of heating large brass kettles, ace Tbe More can be seenin operation at the store, or at any of our customers who hare them in use.

Our stove we warrant torand fraa well, or the money Also on hand, RADIATOR PARLOR STOVES of the moat improved patterns; Russia and Cut Iron CfUndtr of all aizes. i Jl. 4c W. are Agent for Bora's Stlf Regulatine Air' Tig a Storta lor Nurseries, Bed Rooms, Hot houae, Ace. This is the most complete store crcr i a vented.

It Js ao aimitle in its construction that a child can regulate the beat of tbe to any temperature N. JL One of tbe Priam Stores will be in operation at our, store from the Idtli September till 1st of January, where it can be examined. ROCUFORD WORI EY, No. a Veaey at. I Oppoue Washington Market.

New Tork, b'eptember. 1848. 6m43 JOHN 91. CABLE'S CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE. 311 Ma uract.l opposHe tbe Journal A Eagle Building Thesubscribrr would 'nformtbetmb lie that he continues at bis old stand, 311 Main street, where he will always be found ready to wait on those wbomayfaror him with a call; and where can be found the largest, cheapest and best assortment of Ladies, Gentlemen's and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES in the county.

N. B. Boots and Shoes of every description manu actured to order at the lowest prices, VOHN M. CABLE. Pougbkeepsie, August 13, 17.

89 MAMMOTH CLOTH AND CLOTHINO STORE. IfVduce, rpHE extensive patronage uiis (stablhbment has received during the past year has in duced to enlarge our stock, and we are now iri fMiared to meet tbe demands of numer ous customers with the largest assortment of Goods ervr ollcred in this Our stock hiving been reduced very low from heavy sales during the fall and winter, we bare been enabled to purchase largely at the great Ametitm Mate in New York, and oOcr to tbe public all the adrantagea of an entire new tock, comprising French, Belgian, English mnd America CLOTHS, of every variety of shade, color and quality; also a large stock of Tuttds, Merino Cosstmeni, Saxe Gothas, Enninetts, Croton Cloths, Cambleton, Kentucky Jeans, Drab D'Ete, suitable for Sack and Business Coats. PANTALOON STUFFS, Super black French Cas umeres and Doe skins. Fancy stri and plaid Cawlmcres, new alyles. Satinetta, Hangup Cords, Velveteens, Linens, Linen Drill, Cottonades, fcc.

B3VESTINGS. Super black Satin, fancy Satin, plain andfancy Silk, Velvet, plain and fancy; Barathea, Valencia and Marseilles, which will be made up to order in the most fashionable style and warranted to fiTtw at j.fjictian. I We also manufacture and sell large quantities of VLTU 1 llllfTS." Always U. liansA aaaj PANTALOONS ana VE5 i crery arucie maae up in this place. No damaged or imperfect goods made up or offered for sale.

On sale, SfocJtf, Cravats, Bosoms, Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Gloves, Hosiery, and in tact every arucie appertaining to the Gentleman's Clothing and Fur Tiltlinfr tllKtftf. We solicit the attention of purchasers to our stock, confident of our ability to compete with any establishment in the Mate, in the price, quality, and style of our uarments. Remember Slcs's Mammoth Cloth and Ci.oth.kq Store No. 2TJ Main street, directly opposite the store Of Mestrs.l. J.

b.uarj'enicr. AprU ag, 1848. 33 JOSEPH SLEE; tT aaOTRANSPARENT (oilrxiimud) WINDOW faf I SHADES. The choicest patterns, and assortment ever offered in Pough keeiio, can now be found at 43 J. BOWNE tc COMPANY, S18 Msin TIN AND JAPANNED WARE.

Have on hand and are constantly manufacturing Tin Ware of for sale cheap Oy J. XI. AlAi.ii VOstor iuin iiiuakwtcaujeta 50, 1946. 16 NEW CABINET WAREHOUSE AND FURNISHING DEPOT, 347 Main street. The sub Kcriber has constantly for sale all articles in the Cabinet and Furnitnje line, which be will sell at a small advance.

EDWARD P.TAYLOR. Agent, May, 1S43. 28 317 Main st. IarBfaarB GRAIN BAGS forsaleby UUU TROWBRIDGE ic WILKINSON, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for medical uc, London Porter; extra tine Hyon and Oolong TEA, for sale by sVCC ID, N3. 53 JACOB BOCKEE.

Druggixt, 397 Main st. IRON AND STEEL AT REDUCED RATES. FTpHE subscribers have a large assortment of IRON J. and STEEL, (and are replenishing weekly from New York) and are prepared to sell as low and on as good terms as any other house in the place. Weshall be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones as we can get.

Aug. TROWBRIDGE WILKINSON. 0N. B. We buy our Iron, Ax exclusively for Cath, and will sell in conformity to the present low of state tbe market.

40 T. 4c W. lTJORK. bO Barrels fiist quality MESS JT PORK, for sale by G. I.

VINCENT 4c CO. Pouglikecpste, July 18, 1848. 8 TLOOR OIL CLOTH. A beautiful assortment, JT liable for putting ender stoves, sYc at tbe Car rt room of J. BOWNE 4c COMPANY, 43 J16 Main aLPwkeepaia.

"VOTHK as hereby wrven to all' persons baring 11 demands against the Una of JAMES Ml rail It CO. on account of tha coiirtroclioa of Vvtioo 4f the Hudson Etver present bc kidic to the Aaeigeecwl hisefllca Main street, PouRhlceeisie, en or before tkJirtt4myf Afrit, IM and alt prawn indebted to aataflrm are reguested to mskeimmiiateptTBjemovieJ Poughkef psie, De ti 1 WILLtAMT3ERVIS Agnoo A AbIGNEE HOTttkV Mr. CHAJLLXS BALL J.V asiaUlm pirnnxty, both Teal and per xonal, to me. All tersont Indebtwl t.il Bill ty book or otherwise, will make immediate vtayment to tbesulM ribcratUsatoreNo.ai4MatatTeet4t The siascj'wUJ be eold oast at the store No. S9J Main street forCaslunAU person wKhini any article of JLWEiY, WATXTll would do well cU and irchase Dated aorust SI, 1848.

41 WaUOHAsalgwee. A AMG.NErs AOTICAw AU icnODf indebted to IX Katutcaaocsn are requested to call autlwake uavtuent la. tho aubsceibexawaat tbn nmirr turc ox am jkiuck erbocs.ee, and ail wis are claims acainstblmare notified to iTesenttbe same to without delay. JACOB DEGROFF, SAMUEL KNICKERBOCKER rugbkeciwir. Nor, IMS.

i Cl'TLrR CX'TLEB Tw A large aasortaieat of KNIVES and FORKS and other Cutlery, which we wtu rU to correspond "with the times. Those wibing)f0 purchase will And it to their Interest to examine ortbemselres, at the corner of Main and Academy utreets. ALLEN. Foughkerjr, March IS, ji; TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGARS. WILLIAM C.

LEMON, (of tbe late firm of John Anderson s. Co.) would respectfully inform bis friends, the public, and the patron of the late firm of "John Anderson 4c Co." that he continues to Detotmaatine OLD STANDS, No, 4 Well mad 313 Daane Streets, Where he manufacture, and offers for sale Fine Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, and Snuff of aquali ty unequalled in the market, put up any style or quantity. Heis also determined that the Store No. 4 wail street, (witn whkq ne nts been lacnunea for the last seven years,) sliall at all 4imes. be stocked with the choicent and best Harana made Segars, at wholesale and Merchants.

Hotel keener. and those purchasing for private use, arc requested to call and examine for themselves before nurcha mig elsewhere. W. C. LEMON, No.4Walland313Duanesta.New York.

Dated August 1, 1848, 6m4 DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, Ac. at No. 297 Min street, Pougbkeepsie, near Hayes' corner. Tbe! subscriber would invite the attention of the public to bis stock of good, which be offers at the lowest market price. He has constantly on band Alcohol, Castor Oil, Alum Aqua Ammonia, Copperas, Acid, Sulphuric Candles, Sienn Acid, Nitric Arrow Root, Allspice, Bath Birch, Bird Seed.

Blue Vitriol, Candles, Wax C'ampnor. Combs, Irory Glue Ginger, Gold Leaf, Gum Myrrh, Gum Opium, uum boeuoc, Gum Guiaeum, Indigo, Iodine, Leech Madder, Nutmegs, Opium, Pure Wines and Liquors, Starch, Green 4c Bit Tea, oaixrauu. irrAl paint and White waith, Hair and Tooth RUSHES, Fancy Article, Perfumery and JublnV JACOB BOCKEE, BRUSHES, Fancy Article, Perfa VXU BCT. Nov. 1, 1S48.

3 397 Main ft PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT, 319 Mala street, Pnughkeepsle. i tTAN VOORHIS Ic TROWBRIDGE keepcon stanUyon hand the following Medicinal Reparations laVr. rr yersi ncaTy areciorai, oanus BaxHapariua, JayneV Expectorant, Conrtock's awvawwar tasw VSMSMAi, Vft liu uaapentcr's ao. Falirer's Olosaonlan. Dead shot Vermifuge, WINDOW HADETL baa a.

biHf with OieTnmglnrs to nitcb, at varr low crlces. AjjaSJ, EDWARD HARDWABE. STORM KtJHT.TaraTi.iri'iS" Tlnr tha most complete assortnixatar'BalM' CiUerysna Kwpln Articles ever offered in tkiataarAeti.aIl whiui Jus bean selected wJth care.ass4 wnJJ tssaasld at the)owet Biaxaet nzittr All TKn who iairat IraUdina .01 aad lit, tkdt raotatet. examsae oar stock tit Hardware aad rrt beforefHircliasinA t( lttivtX recssr.4 direct fraxs the Fac torr.iarwsrsisa amj at tleold stand, ITS (HsfcaatS acsisusi.v jjKJrj fo3bkeepslf.M4. "i i i ead rrpE.oauis,(BdcajrTJON rciu is I 4 rnrsalecBMpbv tliwn sj oasssatf'Mi sin Extractor, Urrls Tooth Wash.

McAllisters All Htslinr Tsrlor's BlLof Liverwnrt. Ointmetif, Winer's Syniu of Hoar Ost's Csnchalsxut, bound and Elecampane, And all otlxr ajinroved Patent Medicinm. October 11, ao DUTCHESS IBO.f WORKS, No. 424 Mai Srxxsr, NEW FIRM THE subscribers hsve formed a co iiartnership under tbe firm of ADH1ANCE, COLLEK BARNES, at tbe above old and well known establishment, wbcre tbev are prepared lOtaiij vuiuaiiiu, vi 1KOX MA.UtALTUKI.U, imrrisiae everv article in the line or machinery, including Casting, Turning, Planing, Cutting Gear, and Smithing, and all kinds of Jobbing to suit cutnmrr. STEAM ENGINES of sll sizes manufactured (oor der.

Wrought Iron and Steel, wholesale and retail. Wrought Nuts of all sizes, (four and six square,) the pound or large qusntitv. All kinds of Agricultural ImvUmenli: PLOUGHS, SCBAFER8. Corn Strsw Cutters, Wheel Bsrrows, Sleigh Shoes, Wagon Boxes, Sinks, Sssb Weights, Blscksmith's Twcers, Ac constantly handandforsaleatthe most liberal prices. Intending to conduct tbe business uj on an enlarged scale, we Invite all persons wishing any thing in our line to give us a call.

COrders promptly attended to. JOHN ADSIANCE, ISAAC H. COLLEB, D. H. BARNES.

Pousukecptie, August 14, 1849. 4j FORTE PIAXO FACTORT. Ta subscriber havlnR established bim Iself in this village for the tmruose of manuiecuinng one risnos, i now preparca lo ouiia or repair PIANOS to order. Hebasepcned a. Ware Boom at his Factory, a few doors south of tbe Eplsco or me ru laeorcountrr wishing to purchase beautifullv con.

ptructed, elegantly toned and durable instruments are inrttra to call ana examine tor tnemgeivcs. ney axe all ofhU own mate, wsmnted, and will be. sold at prices corrcsiioiidlng with the Forth character of bis instruments be would refer to the following gentlemehIr. AbelGunn, Mr.Grube, and A. Raymond.

LEWIS WIfiTHAN. Pougbkeepsie, April 14tb, IS43. 81 ifeS JJfPOErAAT TO TBE ORSE AND CATTLE MEDICI5ES. wr will you sutler your Horse to die when be may beoA times cured for a trifle? newer, in veicnnsry science is about 'iihnsrliaJril 9Mnj A tSm Tha virtue ef these Pill, can be anpreciated only by those who have used them, their operation admirably adapted t.asss 4 nature iBcarrringoa morbid tosuer, obstructions, impurity of the blnod, tc. Thereil suiierioxltj of the Com Ptnrrd SamparUll PIUS over all.

other nreparalions their concentratedfonn and purity of axeract and whihr tney' eradicate aiaea se. tber lav. oral, and "rengtaea tba bodrby toMc ijaalltlcsi'at till same time purifying tie system and tSroducIng new and rich blood, without purrtag innecewarUy, which makes them ipeculiarlT adapted weafsnd enfeebled penocuk ThaM pub are well vUadi. thasawbaaeaticlinixJ tobaaM.lcsUTbey cU jak IhrtrowBtaerttirterlaflrr trial. (Crror ml Vi Vaa ValresibuTtb A Finlay, Pe'.

coinmencinr this is needed, for it is a most lament. able tact, that the science of Veterinary Surgery scarcdy his existence inlliis country, whilein Europe there Is a greater Improvement in the knowledge and tuna m. win in JIB. msamedicirie. The undersigned his spent much time in the study of this branch ol science in "London and Edinboro'," and has witnes the practice of several eminent men in the treatment of diseases of Horses and Cattle.

He has also availed himself of tbe researches or Lie bij, and other celebrated men, who have contributed so much towirds a Judicious and enlightened tre st mentof tbe Horse. object is, to treat the dis easesof Cattle on the same fundamental principles thst guide the prsctitioner in humsn medicine, and to make use of those therapeutical agents only, thst when given in small quantities, arecapable or exei ting and increasing the natursl functions without diminishing or destroying their power. The undersigned will devote himself to the manufactare of the following articles. yet every Mediclneused In regular practice may be obtained at short notice. Pamphlets nuiwni ucuuicnniniKuci miy oe nsa BTaus.

G. H.DADD, M.D. i Lin Horn sutd dull Physic Bills, Ointment Tor ma es and old sorei Fever Powders, i Embrocation for sore Powders for Cough, catarrh.iruingleiilidconi. Diuretic or Urine Powders, mon Tonic Powders, Hoof Ointment, for land Cordial or Colic crack, britUe andeontrac ted bMr. iLiquid Blister, Horse Liniment, for pnsMtinr Distemper I 'the growth of halr.t Worm Powders, for tbe ro iHealingBalsaaorsaddlo moral of worms from the A bruises, Intestinal canal.

ifor inflamed eyes. I Sold by STIMPS05. JJEED A CO, Ho: WMercb ant. Bow, Boston. VOORHIS Ag For the fitmoraj ni Permanent Core of all NERVOUS DIBBASEB, And of Ousb Compliints which are caused.

by an io, weakened or onhealthy condition of tha SEIIVOC8 BlfStfiMi Thb beautiful 'and convenient application or the mya." terions powers ol OALVAN1SM and MAGNETISM, bss been pronounced by. distinguished physicians, both in Earope and tbe United to, ba the woifralMAIs SKdicin.f'diSOrerystAsJge. CHRISTIE'S OALVjnO. BELT and, MAGNETIC FLUID, used with Ike most perfect and certain access in all eases of GBIfEItAL DKBIIilTY, StrengthtDlng the weaksned body, giving tone tu the various organa. aid invigorating tha entire system.

Also in FITS, OLA mi, SA1CAL.TSIS AIVU ftJUsi9V9 Dyspepsia Indigestion, nHEUJIATlSM, Atote arnd Chronic, OOtJT, EPILEPSY, LUMBAGO, DKAFSESS, 1.KRVOU8 THKMOliS, PALPITA OP TUB IIBAItT, APO PIaEXY, NEURALGIA. PAINS In tb SIUB ami CHEST, Liver Complaint, 6PI1VA1. COMPlAAiafT, nd CntVATUIlB of Ue SPCIB, HIP COMPLAINT, DISEASES or the KIDXKY9, DEFICIENCY OP NERVOUS AWU PIIVSICAIi ENERGY, auiaU Nervous Diseases, which complaints axiia trom ODe'ainplo cause, camclj, A Deranjomtnt of tho Nervous System. OCT la NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. Drags attd'Medi ciiiaa iwrtM4Ai fltaease, for they wsaken the vital car git I of tho already prostrated system; while under the trengthening, liTe giviDg, vitaliunff iaflaence of Galraa itm, as applied by this baatifol and wonderful discorery, the exhausted patient and weakened sufferer, is restored to former health, strength, elasticity and vigor.

The peculiarity and excellence of Dr. Christie's Oalvauilc Curatives, consists, in the fact that they arrest and cure disease by mmtward application, in place of the usual node of drug ring and physicking thejMtient, till exhausted Nature sinks hopelessly under the infliction. They strengthen tha whola eyttewt, equities the circuit of the hic4, prawute the secretions, and never do the slightest injury under any cirtMMstances. Since their introduction in the United States, only three years aiuce, wore than 60,000 Persons including all ages, classes and conditions, among which were a large number of ladies, who are peculiarly suU ject to Nervous Complaints, harf been ENTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CUBED, hen all hopeof relief bad been given up, and erery thing else been tried in rain To Ulustrat the use of the GALVANIC BELT, suit pose tho caaeof a penon afflicted with that bane of civilu. tion, DVSPKrsiA.

er any other Chronic or Nervous Dis order. In ordinary cases, atimnlaBts are taken, which, by their action on the nerves and muscles of the stomach, aflbrd temporary relief, but which leave the patient in a lower state, and with injured faculties: alter tbe action thus excited has ceased. Now compare this with the effect resulting from the application ot the OALVAN1C BELT. Take a Dyspeptic sufferer, even in the worse symptoms of an attack, and simply tie the Belt around the body, uiirtg the Magnetic Fluid as directed. In a short period the in eiuiUepanpiration will acton tha poutive element of the Belt, thereby causing aGalvanic circulation which will pus on to the negative, and thence back again to the posi tire, thus keeping up a continuous Ualranio Calculation throurhant tha avitera.

Thus the most severe cases of ftXffiAare ftRMANENTLY CUEED A FEW CATE.THK DISEASE OF YEAR. Certificates and Testimonial From moat Respectable Sources, Could be given, sufficient to fill every column in this paper we maae a lew selections. I KHEUMATISM AND DYSPEPSIA. Seven Cases Cured In one Village. CIIRIsTIt'K SMLVAKIC BELT will cur.

tv, tiintl.r.bpw Mvcr. or chronic. Skeptics are referred to tbe A CMIN OF EVIDENCE. No. 1.

The fullowing letter is from Mr. Alonzo D. Felter, of Kingston, N. a gentleman of high respectability and influence. Kingston, Ulster N.

Jan. 24, 1848. To Dr. A II. Cniiitic' About the first of November last I called at your office and purebssed one of oar Galvanic Belts, and am happy tu aay that it has made a new man of ma.

For years 1 have been troubled with Khcojatiui, very severe, and a general ipaakness of the whole sytttm, and rrry nerreHs, with pain in the head, so severe that I would hare to take to my bed three or four ttmee a day. hj friends are astonhhed at the perfect and wonderful cure wrought on me. 1 nevei was better in my life thao now, and I kitow that this is alto rether owing to your GALVANIC BELT, rl had had the test physicians, and had tried erery thing previous to using it, without efl'ect 'Very respectfolly. ALONZO D. FELTER.

la consequence of the benefits experienced by him sell; MtFaCLTte procured a number of the UAL. ANIC BELTS, and having disposed of them among his friends thus writes No. 2. KinoSTOK, May 0, 144. Mr Skax Doctob, Von ask me to give you an account of the success of your GALVANIC BELTS in this region.

I can truly ssy that they continue to do wonders hundreds wear them, and Ida net know a solitary cose ofmiturt in their use. I sold a Belt and the Fluid to a lady here some weeks since. 6he had a complication of nervous dirder, and was very low. Dr. Nelson attended her, but did her no good and the Doctor blew out considerably when she got the belt, aad ridiculed it out the lady mtd the Itelt mnd was cured.

Now this Doctor had tbe tor a great while, and could not cure himself but gets this lily's Belt, wishes it kept a secret, puts it on himself, and it did him so much good, thst yesterday he called on roe and got one for bis wife. No. I. Miss Vajoemabk, of this town. Ivy all winter with the Rheumatism.

She got to bo perfectly helpless. Every one who saw her said she could not live. She aent for a GALVANIC BELT put it on Hused the Fluid freely, and In EIGHT DSTS HtlJlTr CT TOITIKO, A WD IS TO BR MASSIKO actr wxxa I Th4oe4or wbo attended Miss hooted st tbe but no: says mere is certainly a rcmarkablo curative power in your Celts. Mr. John Eman.

merchant of this place, was reduced to a mere skeleton, by Dyijwptia and general chronic disease he got a Belt and the Fluid, and it mow as healthy a man as tre aiore got in Kingston. He has spent large sums of money in various nostrums previously, but they all proved useless. No. fi. An old gentleman by the name of Ne kirk, had the Dytpeprio for thirty yeara.

He tells me that he could not est any thing without its rising on his stomach he was very much emaciated and looked miserable but ha pur chased a Belt from me, and after wearing it 5 or 4 weeks he drove on to the door and said he bad come to thank ma for selling him Chxistic's Bxr, as it bad made a well man of him. lie rays that he now eats and digests perfectly, and that he is as hearty as any of his neighbors. He is about 60 years of age. No. e.

Mr. Wood, of Marbletown, was drawn up with Croup and Rheumatism, so that he could not more. Jits brother got Belt for him, end in one week he was so well that he wss about attending to his business. Ha saya il is the greatest thing an earth. No.

7. The wife of Mr. Joseph King, of Kingston, has teen com plaining of' lassitude and general weakness for several rears, and also troubled with indigestion. She got the Bell id Fluid, and Mr. King told ma this day, that hn wife was like another woman, it had done her so much good.

1 could give you great many more cues, equally iuccet ful, but Isuppoae these wiU be sufficient. I may say that I never aa engagea in any oasincaa wai naa oeen so sop tunata and satisfactory to all concerned. Very truly yours, ALONZO D. FELTER. To A.

H. Chbistie, M. New York. Deafness and Rheumatism. New Yoaa, Sept, 189.

To the ruauc. 1 voluntarily, make this statement from feelings of duty and gratitude. In the month of January, 1M7, 1 took a severe cold, which was accomanicd with the most painful Rheumatic attacks. I was attended by Dr, Myrtle of East Broadway, and Dr. Nichols of Colum bia eL, by whom I wu several times cupped.

As I did not ger Detrer. tvr. ciuweii, duoois. sl, was caiieq in, who salivated me with mercury, which lei. me in a very weak state, and mlmott entirely deaf.

Shortly after I was attacked with Tfolent Kits and wu altogether in every draadfti. Havlnr by thls time lost all faith in medicine and physicians, rdetermincd, as a last hope, to try DR. CHRISTIE'S OALVANIC BELT AND MAO NETIC FLUID. At this time I could scarcely hear a single word. In a very few days after putting on the Belt there wu an improvement in my general health, and my hear ing wu decidedly better.

Iu about six weeks I had quite recovered my health, and for the past eight months im hearing has been perfect I hare had no attacks of Rheumatism, and not the ilightest symptom of Fits, and am iu erery respect an altered person. (Signed) ANN MAR I A II HOLTOX. Witness, Mrs. CYNTHIA RAYMOND, No. 4 Goerck st, New York.

0(7 Many hundred Certificates from all' parts of the cootitry of equally extraordinary character conld be given OCT No trouble or Inconvenience attends the of DR CURISTIirS GALVANIC ARTICLES, andthey ma be worn by tho most feeble and delicate with perfect ease and safety. In many cues the sensstton attending theii use Is highly pleasant and agreeable. They can, be sent tc any part of the country, Prices The Galvanic Belt, Threw DolUri. The, Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollaim. The QsUvaiilc Bracelet, One Dollar, Each.

The Magnetic Fluid, lOne OolW. OGKThe articles' VeMM iiractioiis. ramphlets with, full particulars eoay.be bad of the authorized AgstiL. flty Ur IfsrfA'sMsAafisis. M.

OENEAAL'AaENT'rOR THE UNITED STATES, Tor sale or 111 T. Msin wftWWl. THE BLOODi rlMdm. VMnttstlT hMlMrculatiOn. and the whole body will faava healOu Tbe momyopder ful of sU remedies to produce such a reBaltfc'i BRANT'S INDIAN PURirTlNO EXTRACT.

i h. rf Miml rtwult and efflct cvwill he produced by tbe use ottimatttr quantity of this Purifler thin can be effected by tho ue o( a lika quantity of any other remedy in the world.See our PanipWets for proof.) This Purifier Js vMjr preparetl from TegtiahUs, and cures the toot str mast obstUats, and long standing' diseases of the blood, without ruklng, purging, aick enlng, or debilitating, it cleanses, strengthens, in vlgorstes, mak new, healthy blood, and glTce new vigor and new life to the whole system. RRANT'S PURIFIER four limes cheaper than any other remedy tn tbe world, because ONE DOLLAR'S "WORTH ofit will effect a greater amount of cure thin four dollars worth of Sarsapa ilia, or any other remedy, no matter how large their bottles maybe. The important question for consumers to determine, la tnu saura a.Mf'tia affeW. Mi'U a Attllmr tttorth of this furijitr proiuce, than a dollar's ttwti of that Sarsaparilla or other remedy.

We might here say, that Jirani'S Jueuicinca nau cuscu wuuia 100,000 Persona Impure 'Bleed ad 23,000 were considered Incurable 1 as some other patent medicine men are In the habllof aaying If we should say.so, who would neiteve us; Tnls.ii'iwever, we do aay, and stand ready to prove Dy respectiDie witnesses, ina. arani jueatane oavo tSected cures of more diseases on liring: human be ings, the past year, than any other remedy lneilst ence did during the same time. How much will a Dollar worth cure I Twenty 1 arge, deep Ulcers were cured by using only twelve bottles of Brant's Tbe following is the most wonderful and astonishing cure that was ever effected" on a human being, by any medicine i HORRID SCROFULA CURED. Mr. J.

Hasaih says. In a certificate dated Rome, Dec. 30, 1846 1 Indian. Purifier has saved my life. I had on me twenty large Vlctrs bad been confined to my bod a year was not expected to lire twenty four hours could not raise my head from the? pillow, nor my hand to my head, when I commenced using Brant's Indian Purifier.

My neck was almost wholly eaten oil" from ear to ear an ulcer had eaten' a hole through into my. windpipe, under my chin, so that, unless it was stopped up by a pi later, I breathed through the hole and could not talk my ear was so eaten out around It that it could be lifted up out of its place. It only holding by a small piec two ulcers on my arm destroyed tbe use of It an ulcer, as largo as my band, had nearly eaten through my I assure you I was a Tery sore man, and was in a most miser able, hopeless, dying But bad as I was, the first bottle of Brant's Purifier I used enabled me to get up off ot the bed, where I had been confined for one Tear the second bottle ensbted me to eet out of the house the third bottle enabled me to go about two miles on foot to Rome Centre, where I tTocured an bottles more. When' I had finished using these bottles, seventeen out of twenty ulcers had healed up my ear ana neca: were weii my arm was cured so that I could work with it again, and my generalhealth 1 T1 Is VAT arnnit Mr. Saskln afterward stated, under oath, before B.

p. Johnson, Esq. justice or tne peace at Rome, tost a few bottles more effected a perfect cure of alt his ulcers FOURTEEN RESPECTABLE WITNESSES certify thst all the above statements of J. B. Hukin are strictly true in erery particular, they being well acquainted with him.

The witnesses' names are ss follows. Tilt Doct. Thomas Williams, one'of the most respectable physicians in Rome, O.R.Brown, proprietor of the West Rome Hotel, Edward Hitch ings, esse Hitcninn, Aliina Hitcblngs, Jesse Tryon, Elizabeth Tryon, Henry Conradt, Elisabeth Conrtdt, Pliny Darrow, John Tryon, Deliah Tryon. Blsscll Leonard, wholesale and retail druggists, of Rome, certify that they are acquainted with the said J. B.

Hukln. and know and believe bfs ststement of cure to be true. BISSELL A LEONARD. BRANT'S INDIAN PURiriER cures all Impure diseases of tbe blood, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Eruptions, Fimvtes on the Face, Filet, Biles, Ulcers, Costiventis, Mercurial Diseases, Liver Complaint, Fains in the Bade, Side, and Limbs, jc ft BRANTS INDIAN FCLMONART BALSAM. This Balsam possesses all the cleansing and purify ing virtues of the above named Purifying Extract, and also possesses several other medications, particu larly and peculiarly adapted to cure COUGHS and CONSUMPTIONS.

It heals and cures Ulcers in the Lungs, and elsewhere Internally, as readily and as eaily as the Purifying Extract heals and cures externally." Thousands of cures of the most hopeless Consumption fully prove its almost, miraculous efficacy in all diseases of the Lungs, Throat and Breast A DYING WOMAN SAVED We give the following certificate as a fact ot cure, which goes. to. prove the power to save life, when the person seems to be In the Very la at stages of existence, when Brant Indian Pulmonary Balsam administered Town ofBallston, Saratoga county, N. Y. ij.

Ziba Dykeman, being duly sworn, says That In the winter of 1945, deponent's wife was believed by her physician and others to be dying with a consumption of the lungs and deponent believing that to be the case, went to Mr John Waits stor, in the village of Ball ton Spa, to purchase cloth for a shroud, andotli cr necessaries, to prepare his wife (or burial after she should die. Deponent further says, that while he wa in said Wait's store, he was pcruaded by the Proprietor of "BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM," who was then present, to take a bottle of said medicine he remarking, that if the dying woman be now past recovery, yet, if she be much oppressed and distressed, the said medicine would soothe and relieve her, and make the pillow of death more euy. Deponent took the said medicine home with bjtn, together with the cloth he had purchased preparatory to the anticipated death of his wire. Dc onent caused a portion of said medicine to be administered to hii wife, and to his astonishment it soon relieved her. She continued the use or said medicine, until she recovered fiom her disease, and has been able since (it being now more than three years,) to do the work, and attend to all her household affairs and deponent verily believes that, through the bletsirur of Providence, tbe restoration to health of his wife was the result of the curative and healing efficacy ot Brant's Indian Pulmonary Balsam, ZIBA DYKEMAN.

Subscribed and Sworn to, before me, this 29th day of April, 1849. THUS. G. YOUNG, Justice of the Peace. Town efBallsicm, Saratoga county, Y.

jj. Thi is to certify, that 1 am, and have been for many years, well and intimately acquainted with tbe above named Ziba Dykeman, who one of our most worthy and respectable citizens, and whose statements are entitled to full credit and belief. THUS. G. TOMNO, April 39, 1S4S.

JusticeorthePeace. Town ofBallston, Village ofBallston Sparse. This Is to certify, that the circumstances and facts stated above by Ziba Dykeman are to my knowledge strictly true, and that ho has frequently since stated to me that Brant's Indian Balsam saved the life of Mrs. Dykeman. April 39, IMS.

JOHN "WAIT. BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONORY BALSAM cures CONSUMPTION, Cewgas, Voids, Spitting of Blood, Bleeding at the Lungs, Fain in the Breast and Side, Night Sweats, Nervous Complaints, Palpitation, of the Heart, Female Weaknesses and Complaints, Cholera In fantum, Dysentery, and Summer Cotnt.taintfirJ DOCTORS AND PHYSICIANS RECUftlMEND. The following named Doctors and PkynsiemS have ntgnjy recommenuea kajxi jut.uii;t& Dr. N. Hubbard, Stamford, Conn.

Dr. J.N. Smith, Watertown, N. Y. Dr.

Rowratn, 131 Henry Ktreet, Brooklyn, Dr. T. 31. Hunt, Auburn, Dr. George Francis, Aliddletown, Conn; Dr.

George A. Rogers; Bath, N. Y. Dr.S. White, Freoonis, Dr.

C. B. stent ine, Byron do Dr. J. O.

Shlpman, Fayetteville, do. Dr. J. Skinner, Henry street, Brooklyn, Dr. O.

Shiproan, Cortland, N. Y. AGENTS VAN VOORHIS Main street, and MOSES DAME, 367 Main Pouxb keepsie R. W. Bo at wick ft son, Pine Plains W.Elton, Upper Red Hooka C.

Masaonneau, Red Hook; WnuwiAAiama, Rhinebeck Fiances H. Bowne, Fi 'h kill G. ceulkius Co. North East Charles Wattles, Amcnia. lyeowJS import anit to.

owners of rosses and cattle; DILLOW'S CELEBRATED HEAVE CURE; and Universal Condition Medicine, which has been used with such axtonisblng success In France and England fox the last twenty i years. Is now, and baa been for the last three years, pertonning the most wonder ful cures ever on record in this country. It universally admitted to be a aura specific lit the following diseases in Hones and Cattle In Horses Heaves Coughs, Colds, Horse Distemper, Hide. Bound, Worms, Botts, Scurvy and Scab. In Cattle Botts, Staggers, Loss of Cud, Horn Distemper, Black Tongue, Colds, Conphs, liv On trial these powders will be found to be tha best renovating medicine extant for all herbiverous animals, as they operate directly (In 'smaller doses) upon the'ecretive'gland and bumors of the blood, and when bones and cattle are dull and stupid, and tbe hair presents a rough and staring appearance, or while they are changing their coat ai aucn ume a.

tew aosca win iouna wan pensably necessary to bring them Into proper condi tlon. rryGlve the article a (rial, tad It will recommend Itself. Cantien. WecautIonthepubllcagalnstallHeave Powders'! or Heave that have not the written signature of J. Grant on tbe Inside of eacli wrspper.

Be sure to ask for DILLOW'S Heave Cure and Universal Condition Medicine. Be careful and see that you get it, as it is the only remedy that you can depend upon thoroughly eradicate tha above diseases. FORD fc GRANT, Sole Proprietors, Albany, N. Y. Price aa cents per package.

Agents E.TaisrrT and Vis Voobhis at Tbowseidox. Poughkeepsie. "I6m58 Dec, 1,1848. RASS KETTLES Warranted English Brasa.lo siaoa jnain.i i 11, BEDSTEADS of all kinds, for sale cheap, at the tfm trarsAMss. 147 Msin street.

EDWARD P. TAYtOBjAaent. 1 A Urge supply of ready madeCOFFIMS of all size. and kinds ilwars on fTUIIBET CASHMERE. AIargeot of tbe most J.

desirable colors jastrrcelved by PLAID WOOL LONG. SHAWLS; Just received sod for sale by JCDWARD JEACH. Oct.inasaj mo BLACKSMITHS AND WAGON X. The subKribers bare hist received a fall imt conjilete assortment of BARIBON sndSTEIX, which has been parcbased at tbe present low prlcesf or cash; and wmbasoldtocorrcspoiidwmsth.tliafc Juoe 19, IMfcnirit ALLENICK TJEW CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL A. Oct.

ea.i i LENT, tt BRETT'S. 101 Main i C. K. CORLISS, ATTORSSr.AltDlCOVNSSLLQJl UT LAW, Ofllce Ho. la Market street twoi doors soirth of the' as eta Pnimtta assMas ifUiui nuw Fovonaaxrsia.

samtjejlJ b. jnSTIfiTirlbPvTHBvPBACn. No. 20 Market at? i i -4 1 AH a attohne't aud solicitor, llMi47 H.ittffimiT.. 89 I prpislwstone'sllolcl.

mtftTALrYqa. aeon. lki Mai. at P.oihkctasle. iseaiaoorioaarringioQ'itrocaerTouire, ai atsaiDiore Dwlckeaa Cant, SkerlfT.

Office, I January lltS, 1849. I BT VIRTUE of i precept to me directcJ inddeDv end. Proclamation is hereby made, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery wtlX Da held, at the Court House In the vUIKi of Fouankeepsie, la and for the county of Dutcleas. on the irst Tuesdaj VI s.unwry nezs, iwuotuutj mvi, um in the forenooewiAU persona boaiUI toappeazaf tbs court, by recoentzanc or otherwise, ar. notineo' to ippeir thereat All Justices of the feice, Coroners, end outer officers who have taken any recor.nl;; aanco for th.

appaaranca of any person al sacll court, or who bar. taken any inquisition an Use tlon of Iny prisoners or witnesses, ire required to roj' tunl auch iecorati4ner inTunitlons and eiamlla tiona to the said court) at the opeaiae; thereof the "flrst flay or lis aiiung gj asiaws.i. i 7'rir 7 Sheriff. I bert Van Warmer aadAhrahainC.Biker.ontlVmit nr mm cpj by land, formerly hstonrm, to Jams. Wlnw TtS VltX 11 Ml ceased, and by lands ot fijujirt y.n Warner Hi.

i A. PJiySICUNSiiAND 137 Main "S3 (Opposite Perry.) GREAT STOCK OF CLOTHHTO, AT: LEE'S MAMMOTH CLOTH' AND CLOTHLNO 8T0BE, 37 3ri MaU Street." COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE, ON THE ZHROPEAN earner .1 C.rtlandt and Streets, NEW'YORKJ SMITH DONNINC, Proprietor. U7One block from Jersey City Ferry Carsj and Albany Steamboat Landing. Iy34 EXPLODED. Inconsequence' (KJSil XL of the great crop of SUGAR raised last UfflseaMn, the price has been reduced, and soma aaanaaalof! my advantage of tbia state of things, are making a great fuss abouteheap Sugar, and would fain hare tha public: believe they are really 'doiKthutiuinfar almtst uotMug aud Jtudi im lAsiuefrss;" but I can assure them this is oil aaamwis, and I will only that I am' now selling better aUAR for la, Is 6d, 4s and 4s 6d," and better TEA for 6s, than any store In town, and can make a fairprofitat thst.

Call on, then, and see fori and be not eulledbva lint of advertised price, or windy advertisements. H.D. MYERS. May 11,1349. NEW FIBM OLD STAND.

MJLEAPI fc AIORT1 would respectfully i inform their friends and the public GylM generally, that they havetaken the old stand KoBniSbonthe corner or Mam'and 'Washington streets, (lately occupied by A. R. Booth,) for tbe purpose of carrying on the Grocery bu.inesrf, where they will be happy to wait on all those who may favorthem with their patronage. They have on hand and for sale, at prices to auit the limes, a choice selection of Groceries, such aa TEAS.SUQAR, MOLASSES, kr. Ice.

which hive been purchased for cash, and will be offered as low as can be bought at any olher store In tnevillaeer saauujnusA.i, Aurust 13. 1847. ALONZO H. MORT. jJj A small lot of White Brandy ror sweetmeats? of the best quality.

8. McLEAN would Inform his friends, and the pub tic. thst he suit continues to msnnfscturer SPRCCE.LEMONand BOOT BEER, and DINGER Also JJEEK, ciBEK.ana rvaiut (oy tnc dozen.) HTManufactory, No. 00 Pine street, Poughkeep sle. AUordersleftatthestoreof McLEAN tMOBf, coiner of Main and Washington streets, will bo promptly sttended to.

SAMUEL McLEAN. Aug. 13, 1347.J EW GROCERY, OJf THE CHEAP CASH PLAN OF OFERATIUNS.adapt ed to the irnr Ditptnntim, and free from all the falsifyinitinlluencesorUie Old Dispensa tion I All are Invited to call and examine the new and largeassortmentofGROCERIESsttheNEW TEM FEBANCE STORE ol THOMAS BROOKS, 119 Main street, where Groceries of all kinds can be had as cheap or cheaper than any other place in the county of THOMAS Pougbkeepsie, Aug. 1946. N.

B. The proprietor of this establishment always on hand for an attack upon the Old DUptusw tien with the purest Yorkshire. '17. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution to me directed and delivered, against tbe good, snd cbattctsr lend and tenement, of Caleb Ephraim Case, junior, and Enodr firings, 1 hare levied upon and shall expose at public auction, on MONDAY; the ath day of March at 1 o'clock P.

M. of that day, at the Court Houwr In the villa; ot Foaghkeepaie, all the right, title and Interest thai r.noca i. oeixk. asu on ins lounn uay oi itovemoer, 1844. oranv time thereafter, to the following des.

crlbed property All tbst certain piece or psreel ot Jana situate, lying ana snns in sue sown uunton. countyof Dulchessbonnded asfollowss Onthenortlt by Joseph Wildey, on the. east by. William Wildey, on the south by Martin' Burger, and on the west by said Burner, containing ten acres, two roods and eiehl perches of tbe same more Dated January Uth, 1949. DAVID Ni SEAMAN, SheriK 61 By John C.Hitchcock, Deputy Sheriff.

XIEW CABINET WAREHOCSEfTt rp AND FURNITURE DEPOT The subscriber is now prepared to meet alldemandsof communitvlnthe Cab'net and Furniture His stock umtinly auew, and has been manof actured duing the winter under such favorable circumstances as to enable him to compete. suuisijull, with the lowest prices In the trsde. His stock consists, In psrt, of CHAIRS of every description; WASH Stands, Bedstesds and Mattresses TABLES of various kinds; SOFAS, OTTOMANS and DIVANS of the latest styles and besuUf ully Mshogany, Black Walnut and Rose wood articles of Furniture of the richest and most fashionable patterns, constantly on sale. going out of this establishment are Pougbkeepsie, AprU la, 1848. 36 TO HOUSEKEEPERS.

IIVTEW CABINET WARE ROOM HO 'X Main street, (Nearly opposite i Eas tern House, Po'keepsic.) HOUSEKEEPERS and others, de ii us ot furnishing their apartments in elegant style, a prl ces below those of any other establishment, wL1 1 find, it to their Interest to call at the New Cabinet rVaro Rooms, SAO Main rt. where will be found the largest andbestassortmentinthevlilue, all msnufactured attbe Steam Establishment of the subi criber, at the RedMllls, and under thehand. of the most cxperi enced workmen. The subscriber, by the facilities he has, for mini facturing Cabinet is enabled to compete successfully with all others, either in style of work in the prices at which his articles are furnished. 33 i CHAS.

H. WOODRUFF. Pougbkeepsie March 10, 1548. EVERY variety of CHAIRS, the cheapest and the most cost'y Cots, MATTRESSES. Settees and Wasnstands, can oe had st the lowest prices, of EDWARD P.

TAYLOR, Agent, next door east of Caleb Morgan's Grocery Store. May, 1848. 39 A large supplyof ready made COFFINS of all sues and kinds, always on hand. ALBERTSOVSTOOLS. A full assortment of Coopers Tools for sale by i WMV h.

tallmadge. FEED FEED. aOOObushelsFresh Ground FEED just received and for sale by TROWBRIDGE A WILKINSON. August 1843 40 feEAgDoDiy 1itH JOHN W. MltTLCH 3 PURSUANT to an order of John PHwTaUmsiv glten.

that all persons having claim against the tale ot 8ILAtf PETTITi lale of thelown of, Grange, UWid couatn decetsedf'are renaired td exhibit the same with the vouchers ithereof, to tbd an 1PtMifniif William Prttlt and James H. PettiL two of the Execulomofaaid estate, at the.rpre.lhes of tbeif places of la in towrVOf ta oa 01 brforetheniUdlvof JulYiieiiVor nvdefaait there nf. thtir VlsLinvsvwili hn debarred and precluded from Farmentby aid CxecntorS out of said estate. DatefV k.f af. Jr nmnradip aWlLLXU PtTTTtT 8AMUCU PETTITVh H.

PETTIT, Gmol ExecutoTff.of laid estite. lo ar jbrrler of John rz. a ourrogio oi MJMJnastn counijtjisvtH mzv given, mai an persons naTios ciauns ayawsnoo vs (steofMARY lite of the town ot Washington' in aaiif countjr. deceasedwari required to exhibit the same, with the vouches thereof, toy thf undersigned Jeremiah Wintringbam. on, of the Ex ecotors of said estate, at bis residence in the town ol.

Washington, in said county, on or before the twelfth1 aay ox apru next, or aerauix inereoi tneir ciaim wiu oe aeoarrcu anu preciuaea irom pay men 9 oy tor Executors out of said Dated this Mb dtTof JEREMIAH WINTRLNGHASf, ISAAC BAIGHT.JrA 6m4, Executors of said estate. "PURSUANT to an order of John P.H.TannjSn, JL SoiTovate of DUhs oiiaitys Notice herebT given, that all perona bavuir clanna agaiiut the a iv inuvnv I.t. ik. i. PM.11 lelhsi vi JStAV auunuvi'i lll Uk UA IWnTII VI Mli kill, tn said count deceased, are required to exhibit theumewith the Touchers thereof, to thenndersigned Executor of "aid estate, at hia place of residence in the town of.Fiahkill, on or before the OOtbdayof jipriinexi, orinaeiaun mereox tneir claims wiu dp debarred and precluded from payment by said Execul tor out of said estate.

Dated this.lUhdsy'eT Octo JOHX RAPALJiV Executor ot said estate. SCPREME. COURT. EDGAR against JACOB ADBUNCE, nnmors for a mritifT denind on cotitrsd Tf JaCUB ANCE Sir: You are hereby summon et! to anawer the complaiat In this cauer of which a copy IU herewith serred upon yon, and serve a copy of yr answer! me, at the. village of Paoughkeeiive, wsLhisi'twentv days after the service hereof, exchuive of the 4a of sucn servicer ana 11 you 1 an 10 answer me complaint as aforesaid, the plaintiff will take judgment for the sum of fire hundred njnety elrbt dollars and xlfty rU centu, with interest from tbe third day fit June, one thousand eieht hundred and fortv eitihtl on four hun dred forty etght dollar and Hfty tx cents anuirominetDineeniJi 01 uousana e.ni hundred and forty eight, on one hundred and fifty 1 dollars thereof, besides eot of mit.

Dated January Kth, 1949. 'JOSEPH JACKSON, 164 FlsinWr Attorney. SHERIFF'S 8 ALE. By virtue of sundry executions. to me directed and delivered, arainst the tood and chattels, lands and tenements of William Wood.i of the town ot neasant vauey, county of rrutcae I have levied upon and shall expose to public sale on SATURDAY, tho J4tu day of February, 1849, at II o'clock In the forenoon of that.

day, at tho Court House in the Tillage of Poughkeepsie, the lands and premises described as follows: All that certain jjece or parcel of land situate In the town of Plessant Valley, bounded and described as follows! Beginning at a evcamore tree sundinr at the south west coiner of Anthony G. Badgley's lot, and runs thence along aabr lot a nonneriy couinMs a kdrs in bttovdu, thence south sixty six degree twenty minutes east twenty four links to a stone set in the ground 1 thence north twenty one degrees thirty, minutes east a.oirj: said Badgley's lot to the road eastward of John La more null thence along said road In front of the dwelling house to the lower corner of the bildar crossing the stream on which said mills, now thence across the said bridge along the south east side of theroad leading to John hi arshalPs to a large stone marked with the letter Aonthearestsidn of the waste way creek, so called thenre along the line of Cyru Berry south sixty seven degrees and thirty minute east one chain tn a white ash bush marked thence north seventy four degrees forty five minutes ewt eighty eight links to the place of beginning, contain ing about half an acre of land, be the same more or lestw Dated January 8th. 1849. DAVID SEAM AN, Sheriff. 03 By John Hitchcock, Deputy Sheriff.

SHERirrm SAUEBy virtue of an exmtin elMtteliVUiid ami tenemtima of Mary SkoflBrt the town of Hyde Park, county of Dulcbeps.i'' lev ted: upon and afaauX expo for sale as peAter tion on SATURDAY, the third day of Uaxca atw o'clock in the forenoon oft hat diy.at the rll? Howe to tb village of Ponghkeepsiein said ee.nl? the right, title and lntsreat that said Mar s2l has tauie lollowing described premisea, to witTO thjt cenatii piece or parcel of laud frttute, lylwil in the town cfiyda Park, la said i2Ll 'L101 No toird divUion othL Oreat Win Talent, bounded on tbei. Jli' QAX Van Wagner, 00 the ft bert VanWirneraH n.w v. tbe wert by land of said VS. Warner, ami the ptoperty of Reuben SttaWrJiwS.SS and coataining about nine seres of land, be tjSiU: more less. Dated thl.

rtb day of jlwuS 3boi. SUERirr SALKBy virtue or an eaecuto ro. directed and delivered, saalnst tberoodT tbaUrls, lands aod tenemenlaef Mills s. tbe town of North Eat, county of. Dutcbew, I Sj levied upon and shall expose for sale on SIUnT? th.

1Mb. day of February aeat, at 10 o'clock A.M the bouse of Henry Hijcaman, In tht town lag a of Pine Plains, alt the right, title and iMarJz the ssldMUIsHj Wheeler lathe followl.j aumx2 property, vlx s. All tbst certsin fsjm of laodajnT lymif and twins hi the town of North East, connitT; Putciew, formerly owned by Cyrua M. WhertrrJi ceased, and of which' he died and seized, cabal homestead farm, containing one hundred acre. land nor.

or less, aad no the occapattoD af rome S. Wheeler and Sally Wheeler, aai st. IV': thev reside, hounded an the north bv "a late of Blraaa Wheeler, on th. south and east trill! towards the late residence of Hirsm Wkrt ikaa.M Hlnm WknLr Una and Gerard Pitcher. Dated Pine PUiamJ; DAVID N.

SEAMA.t.Shtny 6j BfJoha Rowe, rrUPRCMB CUURTMaarice S. Traver mnVL E. hi wife, Msrtm and Cstaaiwaki, wue, peillioncs. niiwi arsver It. Louisa his wife, Catharine Traver, Hannah Trrm Elizabeth Traver, Clarissa Traver, Msrgsret M.Iii! ver, snd William M.

Traver and Sun C. his wife. defendsnte IN PARTITION. By virtue of aa of this court made Ih, abovecausa on the twenty seventh day of Decent, instant, Notice la hereby given to alt persons has any general lien Or incumbrance by judgment era. on the undivided share or Intont of any of the owners in the premises hf 1,.

scribed, to produce to me. the aadersigued Befm, appointed in said cause, on or before the kaiA sw 'Fcdrsaryistrt, at my odlcein the Tillage of Pow keepsie, In the county of proof of their re spective liens and incumbrances, together with talis factory evidence oflhe amount due' thereon, and I. specify the nature of.Such incumbrances, aad the datctbereof respectively The said prrobes are described )n the petitiarik follows: rirst parcel healnninj at a white mapletm standing; at the north east corner of the Patent in saerly Anown aad distinguished by the same of Bde Park, on the west bankvof CrunsiUbow Creek twice running south eighty sli decrees west forty cilia, and twenty Are links to a white oak tree marked nrrt a blase, and tbree notches on tbreesides thence soutt three degrees snd fortysve minute, eut twenty nt chains to a stake and stones standing in the north lis, of Christopher Hughes' Iandfthenee north ghir six degrees east forty two chains to a stake and attbe Crum Elbow Creek then up and slo.g tat west bankof tbe said creek to the place of begtnnlnc, containing one hundred and three acre of the same is described In a deed thereof from Ssausl B'Msnd wife to Bastlan I. Traver, dated April I .1139. id parcel Beginning at the north corner the land herein next described, at a white oak tn marked, and running from thence south eighty iu and a halfdegTeeawestflrecharnsandsiity onrlitih in the south line of lands formerly belonging t.

Dw tor blasts to a stake and stones thence south thrn degrees and a quarter east twenty six chains snd se its link. Ira th. lie. of the said ptrmt nt parttoastakeand stone, umadiag at the Smlk line of Christopher Hughes; tbence running tn tarf Haghes'lin. north eigtarydz degrees and a half vs.

Are chains and sixty one links to a stale and stosa standing In the west line of the said party of the nt. and part thence running northi three degrees and quarter west twenty six chains snd seventy five list, in thettne of the said nartr of the second psrt to tbe I. place try actual survey nr. teen acres, sirics measure, uia i.u. i.

deed thereof fromIaacTraver and Treelove wife to Bastian Traver, datedT April 36, 181a. Botk of which parcels adjoin each other and form a fsia of which the said Bastian, Travef died adzed. It ted December 59th, 1 W9. WILtlAMWIlKraSOJf, Referee. W.

I. Sraaav, Sol for Petitioners. Swat. ifc VOLUME 6. rTliil0URNAL IS PUBLISHED EVERT SATCR issse rtATT, rrj Offlce over Nos.310 aud 311 TERMS Two Dollars per annun Fifty cents im antil all arreirajes ar.

psld, exc. the publishers. All letters ro the E' Lud, or they will not receive atter.i TERMS OP ADVERTISING liiutarhti, 30 cents forthe nr every insertion. If coi three minthn. For three month; JKJ.

Yearly a.lertlemU will I square jiif. PRINTING ol all descriptions, a rTllIE SATIO til. F1KE on Houses, ButU and Merchandise, Manufactories an favorable terms as any otner gool fTT Application made to the su r. ll Jttrwim Will rvaiunx sv, iiw. aaaanf inn.

w' PouRhkeepsie, 1343. Fiiie aVd i bvthi PROTECTION INSUHANCV of New JereT at Som trr Capital 00,000 Charteied I DiaECToas. ppter J. Stryker, Matthew JameTajlor. "V'sf Davi.l Sanslrr wn, l.

a WiiramJ Bowne, tneir cerum a era as tea on uie eiantn aay or December, eighteen hundred and forty five, for securing the payment of five hundred dollars, with lawful Interest ait. the (ImF tiav of Mif then neit. diil mortvatre atul convey to Robeit Thorn, of Hackenack. in saai county, the premi herein alter mentioned; which said mortgare, with a power of sale of Hald premise therein. conUined, is recorded in Dutchess County JierK's vmee.jn sode 02 01 mongages, pages anl IS i and there is claimed to he due on said mortgage and the bond accompanying the same at the date ol the Oift publication of tbia notice, the sum or five hundred and forty seven dollars And wberea default ha been made in theparment of the monies du and payable on said bond and mortgage, Now, there fore, notice is hereby given, that in pursusnce of thr power of sale contained hi aaid mortgage and of the atatutes in such ease made and providari, tbevremiscs thereby convey which are described as 10 wttsi ah mat lor or tana in ueisno street, in in vtllsreof Poughkeepsie; which a deed thereoffroBi AFanninsr and wife to the sad John Kip.

dated b'eritembcrvrwentieth, ebfhteen 'hundred' and forty JiveTia dewcribed toltome, to vrn Bcgmtilnf: one hundred and. twenty feet froo the northwest corner of Delano street east tbence running1 northerly parallel with street ninety five feet' Ur and formerly belaaeimr to William BrewnelT thence easterly asong saaz urownrus line tony leer tnencr aoutherly parallel with Clover street ninety five fett to Delano street thence westerly along the fine Ot said street forty feet to the ilaceof bejrinning; will be sold at public auction, at the Court House in the vdlage of Pougbkeepsie, on the ninth day of April next, at ten o'clock tn the forenoon. Dated January 13to, 1849.1 ROBERT THORN. JauuEnoTT, Jr. A3 SUPREME COVET IN KQU1TT.

Abraham Wyck, Executor, Ice. of the estate of Act Hutcbins, vs. Daniel Strang aad Sally hi wife, JonathanWarren Strang, Deficit Brinca erhotr, Daniel Strang, Junior, Richard B. Csrry. Gat rett Storm, Jesse Harton, the Farmers aad.

Hawalsc. turers Sank, thejlighland. Bank, and Samuet.Wil In psirsuanc decreeBaadejn the above entnlrj caue at a special term of the Supreme Court In Entity held for the State of NewTork at thevlllireri Gonbenv in tho county of Orange, on the fourteeatk theyear 184 Present, Houontle Nathan B. Morse Justice, 1 shall aell atjnbllc section, at the bouse of Joseph Bogardua in FishkiU Ts lare, in the county of Dutchess, on SATUKDA tic 10th day of February next, at 11 o'clock in the fote noon ef that day, the lands and premises in aaid dr cree mentioned and which are tnerein describe. follow" i All that certain lot, piece or parcel of 14 wheTeofthesatdBenjamiiTHutchina, deceased, dlrrJ seized, situate, lying and being in the town of PhA iH aroresaia.

ana oonnaea ss ioiiowp, i wn, nrng at a large black ak tree marked for a coiner uf this lot, and also being a corner of the land conveyr lev nt. Phnnna "and runs from thence alon? th' r. lands of Isaac Knanp north sHg hty smA 'tt degreea wtt tbias.aad prbaiM anOTwenty eight links; thencv sooth eiskt SCPREME COURT. JaruesEmott, Jr. against Pe ter Veiie and Julia A.

hi" wife, snd others. Itr vtoance of an order of this court made In the above eae ira th day of December, the aub Kriber, a ReTeree appofittera fcy the court in thi cao ahall expoee for sale at public auctson. at the Court noue in toe village or fought eepsie, crar BATCH TRY GOODS. JOHN W. MILLER.

i aeain in XJ the field at his old stand with his Winter Stock of uooas on nana, ana taxes inu meiooa 01 iniorming the public generally that he Is selling off. his entire atock of DRT GOODS at greatly reduced prices, ao as to exceed as to cheapness the entire A yor uon OI DIS SIOCK COIISUHS Ul A great variety of Fitnch Mttines of every shade andn.uality. Alpacas and Parametta. from Is 6d to 4 6d. Shawls, Brocha and Plaid Square.

Red and White Woolen Flannelf. from Is 6d up. Silks, black and colored, a large assortment. Buttons, rrlnaes and Velvets, for trimminr Cloaks. Dresses, tc eattnetts and Kentucky Jeans.

CLOTHS. CASS1MERES and VESTINGS. Jeans. Linen Handkerchief. Damasks.

Muslin De Lalnes. Cashmeres, azcetc In abort, a sreoeral assortment of all kinds of Goods generally soiu in a Dry uooas store, may. oe 10 una at jyj msin street, ana wui ne soia at so per cent cMaper than at any other store In this riUaee" All roods in the store situated 393 Main street have been bought for Cash and at (ho lowest Cash prices, and will be re sold for. Cash accordingly. Any, person wfchini; to imrchaje Dry Goods of the best oualltr I no damazed goods In the their interest to call aino 3vsDexore ouytng, as one examination ox my stock will save any 'purchaser at least SO percent CaU and examine.

JOHN MILLER, November 30, 1848. 39 Mains. PALMER as FltOKTr MatrvracTvaaasor AND STALK VEGETABLE C0TTER5, CORN SHELLERS, CHURN. POWERS, WHEELBARROWS Of all RanMitUt PouoHaasrsis, N.T. REMK3IBER, when yon come to town, to call at It WILKINSON'S and exaroln; their stock of BUCKSKIN MITTENS and GLOVES also their large assortment of Under Shirts, Drawers, Ac Ac Nov.

18; 1848. YARD WIDE Superfine (Silk Warn) WHITE FLANNEL, fm Infants torether with a full assortment ot White Angols also all wool; red J.BUWflE tc CUMKlfll, and vellow. at. "iU.i wiFUoir 1 1 1 Main at. Po'keepaie.

mO BCILDERSIURDWARE, to A. well ciectisTtMieniot Ifardware, Carpenttr'sand Blaeksmtith'sTooU, Please call at thecornerof Mam and Academy J. ALLEN le Co. Poughkeepaie, March 19,1846.1 15 BANNING MILLS for sale cheaper than tbechea S'psjstrrby TALLMADaE. oBAusf UV WO Main street.

COTTON BATT.9, COTTON YARN and CAR, PETj WARP, af the best nualitles. for ssle by 1 4Ar 't, tv. W.WHITE se SON. UHIOLSTERT attbe NEW CABINET. WIRE ROOMS, ua Main sL Curled Hair and Moss Mattrasaesonband'and made to trassea repaired and renovated.

CHAS.H ASSTRIAN PLAIDSA newatyln of foods for Fall and Winter Purchasers will do wen to call and are them before buytnr other styles. 3llc.iU 'I 'W. W.WHITE SON. Oct II. i flo pLAID AND STRIrTED CAMrMHREA Httable i for Boys weir, Ju recrived and tot sale by.

ff'w. of February next, (February Wth, at ten o'clock In tbe forenoon of that dsrr. thr DAT 1849. at ten o'clock In tbe forenoon of that drr. Hi.

land and premises whfch In eald decree are described as follow, viz All that piece or parcel of land, with a Dwelling House and out house upon it, situate in the village of Poughkeepoie, between Joseph Harris null pond on the north and tbe Dutchess Turnpike on the south, and Is bounded on the east by a lot now or lately owned by thf heir of Garrttt Boerum, deceased; and on the wert by land formerly of George P. Oakley, which parcel of land is more particulaiiy described aa follows? Beginning on tbe north line of the said Turnpike road, or Main street, at tho south west corner of the lot now or lately owned by the Jieirs of Garrett Boerum. deceased, as aforesaid, and running tbence wct along the said north line of thr said Turnpike road one hundred and seven feet to a point thence northerly parallel to the west line of said Boerum lot to the said mill pond or creek thence easterly along the same about onehundred and seven feet to the west line of the Boerum lot thence south erly along the last mentioned line to the place of be ginning 'And also that certain other lot or parcel of land lying on tbe north side of the said Dutches Turn pike, or Main street, in the village of Poughkeepsie, adjoining the above described premises on the west, being part of the property formerly owned by George P. Oakley r' Beginning in the north line of Main street st tho south west corner of the Burritt lot herein above described, and running thence westerly alone paid street to the south east tornerof slot conveyed by thesaid James Emttt, Jr. to Charles H.

Woodruff; thence northerly In the line of aid Woodruff lot to the mill pond thence along aaid pond to the north west corner of the above mentioned Burritt lot; and thence In the line of the aaid Burritt lot aoutherly totheplaceof beginninr. Dated Decembei Wh, LE GRAD DODGE, Referee. Jams Emott, Jr. Sol. In 61" SHERIFF'S SALE.

By virtue of an execution' to ne directed and delivered, against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of George w. Pine, ot the town of Fishklli, county of Dutchess, I have levied upon and shall expose at public sale on MONDAY, the 19th day of February next, at 11 o'clock M. at th. Court Hou4cin the village of Poughkeepsie, all tbe right. title and Interest that George W.Pine hsd the following property, hounded and described aa fol lowa Beginning at a gate post hr the corner of land lately owned by George G.

Lowrie, and runs Genet sooth seventy four degrees east one chain and ninety eight links; thence south thirteen degrees and fifteen minutes went along the line of land whereof Robett Newlln died seized, eleven chains and forty two link to the Hudson 'River or the Mstteawio.Biyj and thence along said river ot hay the following course and distance, to wilt North thirty three degreea and thirty minute west foUrcha Ins and forty seven links north eightv degrees west one chain and seventy one links; south aeventf one degrees weit one chain and thirty link south sixty flrede Tees, west one chain and eighty eight link to the easterly side of the mill or sctory no occupied by raid Pine south, eleven degree we twenty three links along the easterly side of said mai or: factory te theisouth east cornet thereof! and north reventy hlnedefrees west seventy even links, or thereabout; along; the southerly side of said mill or factory and to the easterly aide of the brick wsllof the mill Cience jiortbrieven degrees east along the eirterlysfde of said mill and mUl lot whereof Robeit Newun died seized, one chain and forty three links to a atone about eight feet westerly from the waters of the race way to said millf thence along the waters of tar said race way north eighty two degrees east' one chain and eighty eight links to a stake hbout two feet easterly of ana from a button wood tree marked standing on the south aide of said rare way thence north fifty seven degrees and thirty minutes east one chain and ninety four links thence north ifty five degrees west acre aid race way and along the northerly line or a. certain lot known and distinguished as the Mill Reservation Lotto the south east corner of said lands lately owned by aaid George G. Lowrie thence north forty four degreea and thirty minutes east two chain and. sixty one links and thence north thirty seven degrees and fifty minutes east six chains and five links to the place ot beginning, containinr all tb land, witbin said bounds lie and all the mills, mesusres and other buildings. Also all hia itghl.UUoand interest ro said race way; saoefulldescxipUonf which saay be had by reference to the deed Hied tn the office of the Clark of the county of Dutches, to Liber 83 of Deed, pare' I Also all that small lot of land situate in the town of FishkiU aforesaid, beginning: on tbe south east cornet of a lot of land belonging to the heirvof Robert New Hn, deceased; and run nip thence alone a lane lead lnr to the" mansion house on the said land owned by George GT Lowrie south 'sixty two degree ran rwenTy swven teec to isnaor tne neirs ox naacn NewHn, deceased f.

thence along, said lands twenty seven degrees and fifteen minutes east one; hundred and forty; iseven feetxthencw continuing alongthewWlands of Robert Newlln, deceased, north IxrjPtwo' degrees west twenty seven feet thence south twenty seven drgrres and fifteen: minutes west one hundred and forty seven feet (0 the (lace of be! finning, Dated this 4th day of Janearyl84. DAVID SEAMAN. Sheriff. eight and one quarter degree wet four chain art ktixtv flrellnks to a cedar tree marked i thence north eighty seven degrees west three chsins and aeveatf nine links marked 5 thence south elgMy two degree two chain and forty sevrs links to a point in the middle 04 the Shenandoah iosd; thence along lands of Griffin south seventy one and three qusrtaevdejrreev went threechains and alatees links i thence south ixty three and three qmartcr degrees west three chains and seventy six links theme south fifty' nine degrees west one chain aad eighty ran link! then south twentv taSswliSM half tie jgrees wert three chains then south twenty five aa one nail degree? west lour ciiainT anu iwnj im the old stump of the Spanish oak that was loimttff tnavVtvI fnr rnrnprinil neara hickoi vsatiliro'stind' Ing dose by the east side of aaid stump thence nenb 'Sixty vnc BSro. vnv nmtt atjiTni won.

iuu mauiwim thirty links; then north eighty aia and three quarter degrees west air chains' and forty six links; thra south thirty seven end half degreea west thret chains and eightv links to a rock oak masked stsnd rne on a ledge then north sixty eight degrees wed one chain and eighty three links ts a atone set in the ground nesr a spring then in Eiiaa PhiUsps line north twenty two degrees and forty three mimrln cast forty eight chains and thirty fonr links to land of said Daniel Stranaxwfthen in hi line north dfty two and three quarter degree cast. one chasa. and four links theme north sixtr seven and one quarter 4 degrees cast six chains and sixty links, thence soatb seventy ana one hair degree east twenty eigotcaain to BIatchley4 line at a point at or near tie north westerly side of the road; then in said Blatchley's line and along in said road, crowing the samediao nally, south nineteen and one half degrees east nine xnaitw and eighty five links to the line of land conveyed to Elia Phillip then in said line south fifty nine and three quarter degree west thirteen and thirty two link to a stone set ras large chesnut stump then in said Phillips line soutk eleven and one half degrees eart fourteen chains to the place of beginning, contaminr one: bandied and forty three acres and sixty eight hundredths of acre of land, excepting always out of the said euB tity, fd al to out of the said one acre of land heretofore owned by the said Daniel Strang and sab Ject ts tho swine nt created yw htfh Dated Poughkeepaie, December ao, 110. DAVID N. SEAMAN, Sheriff.

3y John Sheriff N. Raava, Solicitor. 61 SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution ts me directed and delivered, against the goods and chattels, land and tenements or Joseph Black burs, 1 have seized upon and shall expose for sale at bib lie auction on SATCR DAY, the nth day of February next. at o'clock P.M.

of thai day at the Cowl House in tbe village of Pougbkeepsie, the lands ssd premises described ss follow All that certain 1 Ikc parcel or land situate, lying and Deinjr tn ningvUIe, in Ponghkeepwtei tnr said county, bounilnl a follows On tba east by the Highland Turaplkr, on the south by Clinton street, on the weal by alius twenty feet wide running parallel with the Hteblsss1 northeily by: lot No. 16. described oa a map of said village and filed tn the Count Clerk's Office said lot being one hundred feet in width lad one hundred and forty two feet deep on each side. i Also all that certain other let situate, lyinr aad ie in said viUsge of Channingville, bounded and described as follow Beginning at the southerly corner of the Highland Turnpike and Clinton streets and nirminr southerly along said Turnpike fifty feet; thence westerly and parallel to Clinton street as hundred and fortv two feet tn the lane on a id map; thence northerly and at right angle to Clinton street nrry leei; tnence atong vumon street one nunam and forty two feet totheplaceof beginning, lAUoaUthat certain other lot, piece oa psicelsf land in the said village of Channingville, and bousd ed as follows: Beginning at a point three hundred and twelve feet from the northerly corner of Clintua street and the Highland Turnpike 3 thence ran aw westerly along said street fifty feet; thence northerly and at light angles to said street one hundred and fifty feet; thence easterly and parallel tostni street fifty feet thence southerly and at rij ht anr! to said street one hundred and fifty feet parallels ram. fifty feet front and rear by one hundred sad fifty feet deep on each i iAltoait that certain other piece or parcel 01 Channingville aforesaid, bounded easterly by mj His hland Turntiike.

aautherlv bv lot No. 11 on sSM man; westerly by the twenty feet lane on said mr ana noriaeny oy 101 rio. ty in pin ana oy iu on said map in part being fifty feet front and rear and one hundred and forty two feet on each side. Also all that certain other piece, or parcel of Isna sttuate Vn Channinv nlle aforesaid, and bounded aasrs aW ka tasa. aa.a 4s.w4w IU.

Ca sum miti UtV ufj wwiy iwaai wa sva wsr va. I northerly by the southerly line of lot No. 60 on ssi map in part, ana tn part by tne soutneriy line trregular lot on said map wof and mxty try that westerly line of said vlUsyew Datrd letcUyof January, 1849. DAVID N. SEAMAN, Sheriff.

By John C. Hitchcock, Deputy Sheriff iTTH EREAS Jeff ery Harney then of Poug hkeepw. VYJ.n Dutches county, by his deed datfd tM twenty first day of IFehruary, In the year eighteen hundred and forty one, for wscnrrnsi thepaynieoC 01 four hundred; and eighty four doUara and fifty cents with interest at six per cent, in seven cuusi yearly diil mortjrage and convey 1 The Diitchess Whaiina Company the premises hereinafter described, which Mid mortgage, with ape er of sale of said premises therein contained recorded in the Clerk's Office of. Dutchess county In Book 54 of page 107 and IC3 endtnete ttcUstned to be due on said mortgage, and the boo aocontpnnyins; the same, ak tho date1 ot the fir publication of this noticefox; principal and ietetv" according (a tbe condition thereof, the stun of tevnj hundred and four doUara and ninety nine cental toa aid mortgage4 and the said accompanying bond duly. saianed wand tranafersesl by the sa The Sutchesw Whaling Company to Alfred T.M ntUind whereas default has been made JJ Ky rhenl 'or the toon tea secured and payable MidlMind and is hereby given that in pursuance of tbe PwerM sale contained inlaid mortgage, and of the la such case made and provided, the premises thrTeoy conveyed and which are therein described ss foUtr? to wit 1 AU that lot of UawI lytng tn the vulM Poughkeepsie, on a contemplated street wbtcn be called Dock street, and ljrnfrweat of and adioioin a lot of land which hai been sold by the aaU Co pany to Samuel Lewry, and la now occupu by him, and which said fir mentioned lot is five feet In front on the sa Id contemplated Dock strerw and twenty five feet ia therear, and seventy af JJ each side, being a right angled oblong square, wiu sold at public arctioDfBt the Coert Ho as In IB fJJ Ugeof PouehkeepAie.

on usm eighteenth sff wot XMjBsnwn laaut, at ten olockln the forenoon. "Pat dS tembefWc.rrI8dS. In Trust, fo AitoraeyM LrThssiIe ef'thaiAhove pciy ia 1WJJ uniifthejlrsf tt) day of Fsbrmary, i fiXEl and fortrnini (JSi9) ii 1ft o'clock A.M; it the Coj" HasewiPQ4sghkspalsV! Dated l. tjvALFRaUiT.MjTRRITT.AaalgnTrviSi. i a iT Thi company will linura snUlibrr.l term.

a. those of any 01 tton. and thry aope oy bminms, snd by promptntssln rHvealibslshareof( Aaant for Pougn.an INORA1N CARPE' FOR SALE. kidbfp tnoMS. Ai Jaent Ol super Kwis, io uus.

wiui Stearin Machine sat of Spooling Frama, I Warp Mill, and 30O srt rarprt Patt.i 1 1 or "I Liberty Pougbkeepsie, July 27, iws LIFE Guarantee capital 9 A reiluction of twenty fite per premium payable annually. emi terly. Theassuredpaiticipateanr, Nopenonal liability of the amount of their annual premium ir UT.Jll .11 TIM ni Van gt ja a Hun. Awasiosa L. Joaoa.

Ch rfiSJI L. BMittan, Actuary. C. SWAN, Agent, 37 Mart BsanxwaeDavotiviemcai s.imm January. Id4.

at rrMTinv nf the tJuLtit J. liclted to the folio win nam. article not enumerairu. iui bi "IrT. 111 Ul WIIH.1B as, a jj as low prices for the qualities a a.na;.H.inHinty nme UUU ft JZTJ lt Iowa, thain ilharsl.

Thl tl libaiwnlnw alii fuss SJBJ a country like present 1 autSBBl ges to an ani is ass. haiiswwa it will hm low eno enlightened community will rail llalOI VII, CanileSoap. Hops. Canary Seed. Pure Hemp do BrandrethV P.It, do Sal Arata Milltn Acetic Add, um A Liquorice, wmsll Mirks, JdrlrfH Slippery s.im, sup.

nom-Mandrake Kout, Uaimr Cramp Bark, Mryct Belt Hoof, Potah, Chlori La kinrf nf PURE GR a very nice awortment Jlair, Morse anti o.iirr daiihc ereat variety of Herb. Hoots. A yja mo. so, ABLK. At Co.

IM and 119 I facturers of Fuller. Family, Pali AHO. MOCLD CAUi.CS. AU 0 reiveil and uunctuallv attended cnaiiim Csasta. formerly of th'l nappy to see nn tho flf mu CHARll WILLI! THUM I QT Thahiahut market puce I Tallow awi wtai.

Nov. 8th, 49. rrr W. A. FANNING Jt Co.

stilE Bu.lnr,.. and alt orit.r. I'ft at I nunctuauyattrnusaio. wii.t.is TIIOMI CHARIj Poughkrvn.ie'. Wot.

eth, 1S4S. t. Tne copai' I I tirt.WII Ih. HllWti of Coaua, CKiacHiu. Co.

was ronspnt on tne i4tnoi vcwuri it.btei or bavins; account, with nt to call at tbe old stand and si Edmsjds, wttn wnom me awuui 1 ANDBUS WILLIAM CHAUSt'j ICtv PARTNERSHIP. TI theflrmof Cosravk ucs. ot manuracturina: wjiw the old stand of Coburn, Cnuicfc will continue to manaracrore an hand a reat variety ot AfrleaM In. I otslrmiau. jircoa.i'.

ri.rs Knives. Ssw, Of all kind, aud nek Mi anicUs, with ever line. Thankful for past favor, they an oruer. ior ins mtaiirwiiu i. the mot liberal terms.

A NDRll CHAfNl Poughkeepsie, Oct. 31, IMS. TalSSOLTJTIOW. The co paj A eaistma unaar me name i. this day aissoivea oy mutual sie, AujU't 4th, IM.

SOU CH A UE cat ARTS ERSHIF SOT1CE have formed a co partnerhip UNUWOOB JI1I.LAKI, ior LUmtH uj keen eoiwtantlv no hand a aener sr. Lamosr, SMukUm, Limtt Lath sell at the lowest market rites. fully invite the public to call an. All persons bavins; unsettled a lard Co. will plea.

setUe the wood Millard. JAMES ROBER Po'keepie. 4th. 184a. METALLIC PE.IS.

Ill, i4B the ae aniiri ia this coun Pius are sapsn to any otner. i' of tbe point, and style ef flni.) smooth anil elastic, and the much more durable than the i For business men. the Commreii to he lust the For Bn eu celehi.ted Diamond Pn is est points, so a. not to cut the pap fen just introduced, la becoming count of it, tiaaordiuar, fiux' made of the llnest steel, and ca ami see that tbev are tamt For sale by Booksellers and S' the Union: 49 ASET AKJtA Vefl THE nibrctiber has moved back Into the neit loom at: Hnan.rl 1. room heretofore occupied for a a.

A uuo nsif fifrirsn nr Daw, liar aa a a. mm owrnum, ssn saw'. It npnm 1 convenience of his 'V! flit ha tT IUaS.111 liic a.iaaua;c, aaaaui sau aaaaa) other to say how far and howB 1 OS IUUtVIIWU viutiu am tunity to eapre hi mot he4H anowiengmems 10 iuo uuuu for the kindness exhibited oy patronising him themelvea oimne nu ins; (naric mrmn fiuum Kmwaa rSBB iumnj ui mow ibwh s. aw they have In every instance bijM cannot espre. ni.

iw tbew numerous act, af kindne good citixens of our pleasant vi it is celebrited, as all mut tf hleqed with the treat privileje The subscriber would repe tinu.nce of these pron they he unapprecia stance all pains will be taken ti tlon. Do not fotjiet No. UCsr Sept.ll.tM9. 47 OMPOSITIO AJD SPI packages, fresh and food, gle, also by th. pound, for sale 1st month, I94D.

11 OCK RT CROCKEH U. W. FABBINU1U. Wholesaleand Retail Besler, 1I EARTHED WARE. at 168 Mai vlte the attention of the public I ourstock of goods.hsvina novl assortment of CROCKER evrl ket, of the jtet fashion am which we will low to suit th assortment of Gilt and Mahoaai gat ojarana naisampsos ranted; Oirtndolejof sllptttcr; Ciitlerv.

ete. AI.reh.nt. Bill, backed at Nel and no charge for package I packing. All uersoiu wantlna any thin Ss weU to give us a call before ij just recetvea a spienaui aswis. wewuisellcneap.

COPARTNERSHIP. Tha QroaT. ha. thl. dav asMei ann.Joel.ander th.

n.m. anil! UROFF SON. foa tha general i aad Camllts, at the old stand, 11 they hop. by strict attention to j.ironag nereioior. conrarr piletor.

All order, by mail or other. tended to. Poughkeepsie, August 18th. 1 "Ta a sp ss r.a KDWABD BEACH, at Ul fivicirou iromitew lorkalarg spent of the new style of Pa Lhamsers. Jcc together with Beard FrintJ, Window Shades.

ke. aj of which will ba sol k.t price. AprU 19.AS4...

Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York (2024)


How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Poughkeepsie Journal? ›

Placing an obituary in the Poughkeepsie Journal starts at $35.00.

Why is Poughkeepsie famous? ›

Poughkeepsie is the home of Vassar College (founded 1861), Marist College (1929), and Dutchess Community College (1957) of the State University of New York system. Locust Grove, the former home of Samuel F.B. Morse, the inventor of the telegraph, is nearby. The Home of Franklin D.

How do I contact the Poughkeepsie Journal? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-877-424-4341.

Is Poughkeepsie a good neighborhood? ›

Poughkeepsie is a city that offers a variety of reasons to move there. Despite its small size, Poughkeepsie offers job opportunities, a low cost of living, natural beauty, cultural diversity, and education. It is a city worth considering for those looking for a new place to call home.

How do I submit an obituary to the Poughkeepsie Journal? ›

How do I place an obituary notice? For information on how to place an obituary notice, call 845-451-4545 or visit us here.

Why does it cost so much to put an obituary in the newspaper? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

What is the racial makeup of Poughkeepsie NY? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Poughkeepsie, NY are White (Non-Hispanic) (38.7%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (32.7%), Two+ (Hispanic) (7.63%), Other (Hispanic) (6.06%), and White (Hispanic) (5.95%).

What is the nickname for Poughkeepsie NY? ›

Poughkeepsie has been called "The Queen City of the Hudson".

Why is it called dutchess? ›

In 1683, the colonial assembly established the twelve original counties of New York. Dutchess was among them, named after Mary of Modena, then Duchess of York and wife of the future King James II of England.

Who owns the Poughkeepsie Journal? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Is the Poughkeepsie Journal a newspaper? ›

Besides being the oldest newspaper in New York State, the Journal is the second oldest in the United States.

How do I contact the journal record? ›

For questions about The Journal Record , you may contact customer service by emailing service@bridgetowermedia.com or calling 1-877-615-9536.

Why do people live in Poughkeepsie? ›

Living in Poughkeepsie offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents rent their homes. In Poughkeepsie there are a lot of restaurants, coffee shops, and parks.

Is it expensive to live in Poughkeepsie, NY? ›

Based on our Poughkeepsie cost of living calculator, Poughkeepsie is 13% more expensive than the national average and 10% less expensive to live in than the average city in New York. This assumes a $72,000 annual salary and a 2 Bedroom Apt. Food costs in Poughkeepsie are as affordable than average in the United States.

What borough has the worst crime? ›

The roughest part of New York City is often considered to be the neighborhood of Brownsville in Brooklyn. Known for its high crime rates, including violent crimes and homicides. Brownsville faces social and economic challenges that contribute to its reputation.

What is it like to live in Poughkeepsie, NY ...Quorahttps://www.quora.com ›

I've lived in Poughkeepsie all my life. I can certainly understand some of the answers but they require context. Young people who are high school age or jus...
Poughkeepsie, is one of the most beautiful town in Hudson valley and I feel fortunate to have stayed there for 2 years while pursuing my master's degree at ...
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How much does it cost to put an obituary in The New York Times? ›

How much does an obituary in The New York Times cost? Placing an obituary in The New York Times starts at $263.00. Package prices can vary depending on the edition of the paper (weekday, weekend, or Sunday editions) and other factors such as the length of the obituary. Where do obituaries placed with Legacy.com appear?

How much does the Poughkeepsie Journal cost? ›

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How do you place an obituary in a local paper? ›

To submit a death notice to a newspaper you can go to the paper's website and follow the instructions there, or you can go to Legacy.com and find a link to the newspaper's death notice submission page there. To submit an obituary online, use our resource Guide: Filing a Death Notice or Obituary.

Do you pay by the word for obituary? ›

Many newspapers charge by the line or inch for obituaries, not by the word.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.