Winfield Daily Courier from Winfield, Kansas (2024)

MOTHER GRUNDY'S NEWS-BUDGET. OUR ITALIAN CLIMATE. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, ic The Big Revival. The Interest in the union revival meetings is still unabating. Numbers of penitent souls are still finding the right path forswearing the evil and choosing the good.

Over two hundred converts are recorded, so far a wonderful harvest. Rev. Patterson discoursed last FRANK H. GREER, Local Eoito. 4- An Individual from "Down East" Whom it Knocked out in one Round.

List evening an individual strolled into The Courier sanctum and asked if the "boss" of this light of civilization was in. He seemed to be a man of sorrow, some great grief seemed to have monkeyed with his frame. His ears were swelled until they hung on the sides of his head like boxing gloves and night on Mark "He that believ-ethandis baptised shall be saved, but TERMS OF SUBCRIPTION. Tna Dailt Courier, delivered by carrier fifteen cants per week, collected every Monday in advance. Four weeks, fifty cents.

By mail, out aide the city, sixty cent per niontb. ti per annum. The Galley Slate. The Wilber Theatre Company played again last night to an immense audience scarcely standing room in the Opera House. The "Galley Slave" was presented.

Its location is Rome and Paris and the plot is all the result of a lack of explanation the missing link that a few words, merely a name, would have filled. It was a condemnation without a hearing, which drove Cicily Blaine to an unholy marriage with Baron De Bois, whose first wife and child had been abandoned and she condemned to the galleys for stealing bread for herstarvingt hild. As Cicily Blaine, Kunice Goodrich displayed rare powers as an actreMs. Her pretty apiearanee, her easy grace and full, he that believeth not shall be damned." Bad air will kill any man. So will unbe liefthe foulest air in the atmosphere of his nose stood out like a red switch light A Kansas town is much like the individual business man it must be constantly at work even if it holds its own.

Last year we did much; but what we did has excited the rivalry and jealousy of competing points; and it is now absolutely necessary that we carry the present railroad proposition now before us and failing so to do the future loss is simply incalculable. While there is no doubt about Winfield, there is some doubt about some of the townships north of us. One of the mysteries of the situation is that any argument would be necessary with any of the farmers interested, for there is not a piece of land in Walnut, Fairview or Rock townships but what will be increased in value one fourth with the completion of the Eldo-radoand Waluut Valley railroad. Furthermore, if these bonds are defeated the lands in said townships will fall off in price. The situation is grave much more so than we like to acknowledge, and at the meeting to-night at the Court House it will be fully explained.

earth. Religion and the Bible are not at a railroad junction. One foot was OPERA HOUSE, wrapped in a piece of bed quilt and a only historical facts reflecting the past they are the commands aud essentials to right living and a peaceful beyond. To 13 overshoe, and his hand was tied up as if it had run through a corn sheller. We invited him to take a stool, but he silently searched in his vest pocket and made be saved a man mustdo more than think there is a God he must believe it with Five Nights Saturday Matanee no reply.

At last lie drew out a piece of an unshakeable belief, as the facts warrant. He must believe in Jesus Christ the son of God and the only ransom for musical voice filled the character to perfection. Psyche Gay, the snri-'litlv paper which he handed to the scribe with the remark: and just '-too sweet for anything" maid sinners. If we have such belief, a true "Areyou the individual who penned Her Chronicle ol The Comings, Goingt and Doings oi Persons at Homeand Abroad. C.

E. Wilmoth is Brettuned from Philadelphia. John B. Allen is at the Brettun from St. Louis, for Sunday.

B. A. Phelps, Chicago, will roost at the Brettun over Sunday. B. II.

McEwan, K. Is hung up for Sunday with Harter A Hill. W. H. Spencer will quarter at the Brettun for his Sunday rest, B'-ieo.

W. Hoffman, K. was at the St. James last night. Mrs.

C. L. Harter returned this morning from three days at K. C. S.

F. Jackson and Robert Wagstaff, K. were doing the city to-day. Lon Wharton, of the Dexter Eye, came over to-day to Sunday with his family. Mrs.

Lynch, mother of Mrs. Ray Oliver, came down from Wichita to-day for a visit. S. S. Moore, one of the leading citizens of Burden was in the city yesterday on business.

R. E. Douglass, J. C. Wetmore and J.

H. Campbell are quartered at the Central irom Chicago. A. E. Kirkpatrick and W.

L. Wood, of the Central Avenue hotel, A. were in town to-day on business. Frank Barclay came in to-day from Beatrice, and will circulate a week among his many friends here. John R.

Sumpter was in from Beaver to-day and reports the mad-dog scare all over. No more signs of rabbies. Miss Ella Green, representing a St. love in our hearts, we will not stand in this article?" wno caught Dr. Pitts with all his jolly eccentricities, was taken splendidly by Nina Gordon.

Frank The scribe gazed upon the article and Commencing Tuesday, January 12. A. R. WILBER'S Lyceum Theatre read as loilows: leters was an adinimi.lo the dark and talk about others. Our conduct will brightly reveal our christian character.

The professor that doubts and fears God, secretly questions His promises, is as great a sinner as he who Many of our farmer friends do not 'The Italy of America. Ye people ol the frozen North, why will vou contin impersonation of Sidney Noreott, the realize the advantages of living on the oig-nearteu, honest, though unfortunate lover. His dignity and precision were ue to shiver in the boreal blasts of a country where the icy chains of winter fetter line of a trnnk road as compared with a branch. Not one but what knows his -'The Dodge of (o))) An regular as the seasons come ami go our merchants embellish our newspapers with advertisements of immense e0ds''at cost-' ronple who don't investigate these cost sales, it seems like abonanra in.lee.l- Zu 7 VUnk abUt 18 bosh- The nierchant who sells goods at cost, and below cost, four months out of twelve and keeps up expenses must necessarily Rob His Customers: During eight months, he sells for profits, or ho does business for Klory and pays biff money for the privilege. fi i We st goods to sel! for SCU Kd3 to make a living.

In order to 1 tins we MUST nave a proflt- We by prices that we can compete with the trade, and will from Dress Goods, Sheetings, Flannels, Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery, Jeans and Blanket, we wUl meet any prices offered. In ladies' and gents furnishing goods, cloaks, shawla and blankets we will discount the trade. As long as our store stands we will meet, to the cent, any prices made in dry goods bv nv establishment iu Winfield or Cowley County. COST an BELOW COST. i OK VERY TRULY, S.

KLEEMAN. 813 Main street. makes no profession. Unbelief will tne capping sheafs. John D.

i.a damnthe soul! Uproot it from the heart. land is more valuable when it abuts on the steps of spring, and where the cold ADMISSION, 10 and 20cts. 'Baron Le Bois," was the picture of a Base your belief on the Bible it is the windsof autumn drive out the timid a state or county road, than if it has only rrencn auue, ol low cunning and heart summer e're she has gathered the bar- less design. He had all the strained only word of God and the sure foundation. The Bible and its constantly fulfill Seats can be secured at Post Office News Stand.

vest home? Come to Kansas, the Italy of America, whose skies are as calm as ing prophecies is positive proof of God's a neighborhood road. The El Dorado A Walnut Valley Railroad will in less than two years be the main line from the east to Galveston, Texas. It will shorten the distance from Kansas City to this point the painter's canvass aud where hoary existence. The infidel hasn't a particle of proof that there is no God. Some men dialect of a French dude, assuming English.

Harry Lovell is the "phunny man" of the troupe and as Franklin Fitts was a whole bundle of amusing oddities. Harry F. Keene as Mr. oii. winter has yielded permanent nossession would rather believe a lie than the to laughing spring.

Where snrinerand forty miles, making a corresponding re autumn both give place to sunnv haired duction in freight and passenger tariffs. phant was the "boss" old man, and got truth. God helps us to truth. A man never tries to pass a counterfeit on a bad bank. Heaven is the best bank summer, who fills from her horn of Great passenger trains like those on the main line of the Santa Fe will, with the competition of this road, be sweeping up and down this valley.

Such results in existence counterfeits try to pass in, plenty the bins of yellow grain. Where the zephyrs blow soft from a southern clime and where the music of birds mingle with the murmer of the clear but they never make it. Religion is a To-Night, 49." Entire change of programme each night. An elegant Silver Ice Pitcher, valued at $25, will be given away the last night to the person holding the lucky number. Kach person buying a lOo ticket during the week receives one number; and each person buying a 20c ticket gets two numbers.

must not be defeated through any lack running stream." Louis paint and oil firm, is here for Sun grand thing; you all know it. Get rid of your sins. Keep rid of them. Let your present goal be right living and your future goal heaven. of effort on our part.

Do not lail to come out to the meeting at the court house day with here brother, the general. "Yes, we did pen that production way back in the last of October," we to-night. Thus ycu will be wise, happy, contented C. C. Black and J.

J. Burns went to Topeka this afternoon, and will be there hesitatingly remarked. Would you and prosperous. Mr. Patterson remains here over Sunday, when he goes on -tne son side" of the widow Gay completely "oiled her down and spread it on thick" and then falling into the meshes himself.

The parts were finely taken throughout. The play itself is entirely too sentimental too much sickly love all through it It don't catch an audience like a first-class American play, with practical lines. It is a strong delineation of its intent, to exhibit the great depths of true love, and the wily rascality of a heartless do-signer, who seeks to "toy" with a woman's heart as a pretty plaything to be dropped at the appearance of a more novel and comely attraction. To-night the company present "Forty-Nine," Joaquin Miller's great western production, situated in the Sierra Nevadas. This play is similar to "Tally-Ho" An Irishman, from Chautauqua county, dropped into Whiting Bros, meat store yesterday and sitting down by the stove in a.few minutes dropped over in a next week on M.

A A. business. Geo. 1. Frazier was down from TJdall niie to subscribe for our great Daily or Weekly?" With a look of withering reproach and sorrow, he to Clay Center.

to-day. He has been exploring the west ejaculated: "You see in me the wreck of mv for Notice to Contractors. diunken sleep. George Miller happen ing in, fixed him up in the latest fashion ern counties and returns to Elk Falls this evening. W.

H. Smith left on the S. K. this eve mer self, the busted remnant of a once nomeman. I am the victim of mis and went out, telling parties he met that there was a frozen man there, just Seal proposals for furnishing materials and labor for the erection of a school building for district No.

5f at Dexter, Kansas, will be received until 6 o'clock Notice to Contractor. Sealed proposals will be received until noon of Thursday, Feb. 4th, 1S8(5, at the office of V. A. Ritchie A for the erection and completion of an Office Buildiug for J.

C. McMullen, according to drawings and specifications prepared by W. A. Ritchie Architects, which are now on file at their offices in the west end of the Winfield National Rank extension. Bids will be re for llworth.

Miss Julia visits two brought in from the Territory. Soon months in the east before joining Mr, Snath at their new home. the crowd commenced filing in uttering p. m. February 8th, 1886, at the store of placed confidence.

For eight days my only ambition has been to live to confront you with the great ruin you have wrought and remark to your face that you are a dod-gasted liar. I read that mte in Dexter Kas. Wm. rottle, Wilber's head man, re Plans and specifications may be seen hS. H.

MYTON'Sn SPECIALTIES expressions of sympathy as they looked at the victim. For an hour the crowd kept up the dead march, and not till Paddy woke up did they realize he had at the omce of S. A. Cook. Architect, cor piece in The Courier among the moun turned to-day from Wichita, where his show is billed for next week He is the husband of Eunice Goodrich, the star.

ceived on the building complete or on the different parts of the work. The tains ot Pennsylvania the first of No ner Main and 10th avenue, Winfield, and at the store of Rudoluh Hite. resurrected. vember, when it was cold enough to Senator Jennings and Representatives in Dexter, on and after January freeze a man's recollection. A friend of Ed.

P. Greer, Louis I. King and John D. right is reserved to reject any or all bids Willis A. Ritchie A Architects.213t7 The Revival.

20th, 1S86. mine out here sent me your measly Many well meaning people think the El Dorado A Walnut Valley railroad will be built from Douglass to Winfield Bids will be received for the whole Maurer go to Topeka to-morrow to attend the special session of the Legisla sneet with that item marked. I read building or for excavating and stone Mr. Pattorson will concludo his engage your article and said that's the sort of even if we should fail to carry the pro woru, carpenter work, plastering, tin ment here to-morrow evening, lie has ture. D.

M. Adams has sold his fine Pleas posed township bonds. Do not lay any a country lor me and pulled my freight westward. I thought a tent and a linen work and painting seperately. A bond to double the amount of the bid must labored faithfully and successfully among us two weeks, christians have such flattering unction to your soul! If these bonds fail to carry in any one of ant Valley farm and will move to Rome, duster would be good enough for this CD Sumner county.

He is one of our coun accompany each bid. been revived, scores have been convert these townships this road is lost forever. Wheat Drills. ty's best farmers and citizens 'and we The right is reserved to reject any or ed and many homes blessed. While he We know whereof we speak, and Win Vernon Township Election Proclamation.

t3HREAS a Pec'al meeting of tbe Township Board of tbe Township of Vernon. Cowley County, Kansas, the following proceedings were bad and entered of record among the minutes of said Board: Now on THIS 10th DAT of DECEMBER, 18S5, the Township Board, of the Township of Vernon, in the County of Cowley, and State ol Kansas, convened in special session, there being present H. H. Martin, Trustee; J. M.

Householder, Clerk; and William Carter. Treasurer, of said township, there was pre! sented the petition signed hy E. B. Oault and forty other voters of said Township, which said petition is in words and figures as fol- IOW8 lO'yifcl VKRNOX TOWNSHIP BRIDGE PETITION. th.e honorable Trustee, Treasurer and Kansas3- erDOU Township, Cowley County, We the undersigned voters of Vernon Township, Cowley County, Kansas, would respectfully petition your Honorable body to submit the following proposition to the quails of 'iOWIsbip, at a special toJe for tnat Purpose to-wit: Shall the Trustee, Treasurer aud Clerk of frnnn Tiiwnehin country.

Look at me now. You see what your dod gasted "gentle zephyr" did for those ears, do you? That nose looks like a "soft Italian sky" don't it? au bids. regret to see him depart. lias set no price on his services, nor said field could not secure the road even if T3 Bids to be addressed to Secretary of Buggies, Carriages. Wajrons.

she would put up an amount of hard dol bchool Board, Dexter. endorsed lars equal to the total of the boads That foot with three toes frozen off a word about remuneration, we propose as a matter of justice and right to pay him, and we therefore respectfully ask our congregations to come prepared to tji CO "proposal for school building at Dexter, Leave nothing undone on your part that looks as if winter had sold out to spring The latest and most perfect and improved machines. I allow no improvement in Farm Ma John A. Eaton arrived to-day with his family, from Ohio. For the present they will have quarters at the Brettnn.

The furniture for their elegant new house, which is about finished, is nearly all here and they will soon be settled down may cause you a life long regret. and moved out of the country? Oh, yes! I think one of you editors would Jkas." KUDOtPH Hite,) A. B. Elliott, School Board C. A.

Peabody, d243tlw3t3 hand their respective pastors, to-mor CJ in CO CO chinery to pass me row, what they are willing to give. B. have the gall to brace your feet against Kelly, J. II. Reider, J.

C. Miller. Bin the first generation a man reckons only two ancestors his father and mother. In the second generation the two are changed into four, since he has at home. Deputy U.

S. Marshall Currier came the north pole and lie about the beauti ful tropical climate." With its gas power, new presses and Dy. i ou will always find the latest and best in my imple-olement wa'rerooms. Mas Meeting. its general unexcelled facilities, The He ceased, and throwinz another two giandfathers and two grandmoth There will be a mass meeting of voters down from Leavenworth yesterday and returned to-day with James Jones, who "withering glance athwart the bridge of of Wiufield at the Court House this eve Do you want a fine bucgy, Tully warranted and in HTfect style? A spring war-on of the lest and most durable kind, or a farm wagon which will do vour work without breaking down? If so, call at my store and examine the largest stock of Carriages, Buggies and Spring and Farm Wagons in the southwest.

IS. II. MVTOX. Courier job printing department can meet eastern prices on any work. The Wilber Theater Company have been getting their printing done by a large east nis aurora uorealis colored nostril at the has been lying in our jail under a ctm- ning at 7:30 o'clock, to consider the com So farmer can af ers.

Each of these four had two parents, and thus in the third generation there are found to be eight ancestors that is, eight great-grand parents. In the scribe, limped out. But the man of mitment of U. S. Commissioner Webb Issue the bonds of said townohip to the amount of Pour Thousand dollars bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum.

Interest payable semi-annually C3 CCS si news heeded him not grabbed his faber for selling liquor in the Fair Ground cj and waded in on an item, showing by luiny years, redeemable fourth generation the number of ances ern establishment, whose prices and quality The Courier easily met and run them about two hundred thousand ford to buy a piece of machinery no matter how large or how small until he has first examined my stock and prices. Park without a license from Uncle Sam. He will plead guilty befoie the U. ing elections. The interests of this city are at stake and every yoter should it his special business to be present.

The preliminary work has been done and the time of the final struggle mo ui sum i own- undoubted evidence that the sind nlum tors is sixteen, in the fifth thirty-two, in co ex. CO of Kansas grows larger than the musk- fiscal agency of tbe State of Kansas in New District Court at llworth. lur ine purpose or builiilug a public the sixth sixty-four, in the seventh 158, in the tenth 1,024, in the twentieth, advertising bills, of various sizes. Our presses were running all night last night meion of the east, and is sweeeter to the J. B.

Nipp, of Winfield, one of the is at hand. Come without fail. J. wim approacn8 tnereto in with th I irir i taste than the nectar of the gods. 'Sir most wide awake and stirring men of 576, in the thirtieth 1,073,751,824.

This and showed up this morning a whole Conklin, Chairman Executive Commit County. Kansas, across tbe Walnut Kiver, at may prove that all the world's akin. dray load of work. We can do about According to figures given in the Wiu- tee. this western country, paid us a visit Monday.

The Captain holds large in (rum, unirwa suia uiy and Township where the J. F. Martin county road crosses A Good Seven Hour Job. iron and eighteen feet In width, with a double During the union revival meetings, there have been many who have profess Last evening at 11 o'clock the Courier 1UUL y. xne said city or Win- terests in this section of the State and a bank account sufficient to see him through Syracuse Journal.

That's the neid Courier, young Phelps, at Dexter, sold 206 pints of whiskey during the month of December more than any other druggist in the county. Ourdrug-gist, Dr. Rule, only sold 30 pints 176 any work that can be done anywhere, with neatness and alacrity. We don't propose that any one shall find need of sending off for anything. Three to five first-class men are kept busy in our job H-i.

i lM" OUI" i seven ed faith in Christ, and have made a confession of now wish to be known as christian followers of Christ. To all the construction of said bride and an- gas engine and cylinder press commenced printing a job of one hundred thousand bills for the Lyceum Theater Com way to talk about our county men. If Rev. A. Patterson expects to close hU labors with the people of Winfield with the service of Sabbath evenine.

but the Fi.v "aru aner consideration nf thn matter a fnth i department and our work cant be beat pints less than Phelps. There must be a the Captain is fixed that way, he can probably hold his "nip." Udall raiKx petition, ana After ttPinir fullw BJtaiii A. Winfield has before her a bright future one just now seeking the enticing sureties of success, if the right effort is concentrated. Turn out to the mass meeting at the Court House to-night at 7 o'clock. such the pastors of the churches pany.

The job was completed at six avtau tut; uremisea. en. union meetings will be carried on by 7-; u. il is ucreoy o'clock this morning, a run of ICO.OiXieop- the pastors of the churches. 'M'iy w'oiu mat a sie- i usual vuiujk ios in 7 hours.

Considering that the patrons highly complimented the neatness Cabinet Photos per dozen for the engaged in this work, wish to say that at the close of the Sabbath morning services an opportunity will be given for such to express their preference of the churches. Let each attend the church of their choice and avail themselves of this opportunity. the 26th DAY of JANUARY, 1S86, Afirl thai: nrttin Af a aiA The County Commissioners have designated The Courier as the official of the county. To this action we be next thirty days at the Rodocker Gal and beauty ot the job we think this was lery. Strictly first-class work guaran publication iu the Winfield Cockier, a flAWRIlflnpr rf D-itnorul A(Hn: i teed.

This reduction is made to intro lieve a large majority of the people of J. F. Martin has opened up a feed store first door south of Tyner's ou Main street, Xo. 1016. All orders delivered promptly.d2Ht3 The meeting for converts onlv will nf.

vuvuiauuu iu Ba a lownsnip, tor three consecutive week-, at screw loose somewhere. The little druggist at Dexter is doing a lively business in the whiskey line. Very sickly neighborhood, perhaps, you know, of course. Cambridge A. C.

Bangs' Omnibus and Transfer Co. have the finest line of carriages in the city and can furnish them for parties weddings, operas and funerals, on short notice, day or reasonable terms Baggage called for and delivered to any train, day or night. Leave orders at A. II. Doane's coal office, or at the duce myself.

Duplicates from the Rod nuii oaiu cictuuu me proposition set forth in the above and forejroinjr petition shall be Submitted tn thi rnhai.loiiuHnn A The Young People's Social and Lit er ocker negatives made on short notice and finished first-class. Geo. II. Dres It is astonishing how much good it does a merchant to advertise a little. Last week Mr.

A. E. Baird, of the New York store, advertised his goods at cost to reduce his stock by Feb. 1st. We have been down there three different times this week and his store was crowded with customers, taking advantage of the low prices he is giving them this month.

We advise people wanting bargains in dry goods to go there and buy their supply before the assortment is broken. Mr. Baird always does just as he says he will, and if he advertises at cost, that is just what he means. We know this to be so. cur at the Baptist church to-morrow at 3 O'clock.

TicketSOf hra tan fied voters of Mid ToVMUlpT" Now therefore we, H. II. Martin. Trustee. J.M.

Householder, Clerk, snd William Carter. TrpflonrAr B.i,l ser, Photographer.d238tCw2tl pretty lively work. To The Trade. Having bought the Coal and Wood Yard of A. II.

Doane, I would respectfully ask the many and old time patrons of Mr. IXiane to continue their trade at the old stand, assuring all that the same liberal methods of dealing will be continued in the future its in past, with full stock, low prices an I prompt delivery of orders, I am, Respectfully, Ivan A. Rouisson. Cowley County, Kansos, and the legally con- sent out to all who have signified conversion at these union meetings. Constanzer fc Co.

deliver meat in anv ui aiu xownsnip, ao hereby call and make known that there will be a special election at the usual voting place in said Township, ary Club had a very enjoyable meeting last evening in the commodious home of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser.

This home is specially adapted for such a gathering and with the genial hospitality of the entertainers, all were delighted. Not as many as usual -were present, owing to an understanding among some that the meeting was postponed. An excellent program was rendered. part of the city. Telephone connection.

the county will say amen. The Tribune got the printing last year and consequently very lew people ever saw the printed matter. The Tribune itself is a bastard, and it got papers of like caliber to assist in sending out official matter in "supplement" form, printed by "Baker's Topeka Newspaper Union. The Courier has a larger circulation than the Tribune and itshybred constituents, combined. The Tribune shows up a list of 2,000.

We know how utterly vain, less it is. We know it from the way the list in Burden runs, and we would not give fifteen cents on the dollar for the whole list. We are glad the county printing is out of the hands of a fraud and sucker, and believe the people of the on the 2Gth day of JANUARY. is.q d213-tf at which said election tbe proposition set forth in thn ahnvn onA Turn out to the citizen's mectinc at and proceedings of said Board wiU be sub- the Court House to-night. k.iucu iu mo consideration ot tbe qualified voters of said Township.

At which said elec- tlOn thnflfl Udtlnir 1m A Land Slides The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday: John Mott to Samuel Scott' lot 10 and hf lot 11 blk 165, Leonard's ad to A COO Frank Hess et ux to James Shephard, lots 10, 11, 12 A 14 blk 1 A 25 For rent. A first class office over mv shall have written or printed on their bal- store. Henry Goldsinlth.d243-3t tur u.d unuge uonas," and those VOtlDg airainflt AAiri lipnnnBiHnn i i -wvuinvm buqii UBW written ni nnntad r. 1 i i The Justice Mill. The District Court moved out into the country to-day.

The court, jury, eoun" sel aud bailiff went out on the 'Frisco this morning to view the Nancy Coi-tingham land, near Floral, which appeal from the commissioners railroad right of way award is now being tried. The judicial party will return this evening. Parties looking for stoves of anv kind All indebted to the firm of Kraft Dix must settle at once and save costs. Pay the same to J. G.

KrafLd23i)-Ct STREAKS OF SUNSHINE Kraut at Wallis fc Wallis.d-w-tf 3-Choice Mince Meat 12'4 cents per lb, at Wallis A Walls.d-w-tf IW-Pure Maple Syrup and Flour at Wallis Wallis. d-w-tt ATP-Fresh Cranberries at Wallis fjr-Oranges, Lemons, Figgs acd candies, fresh aud fine at Wallis Wallis. d-w-tf AVIIeadquarters for fine glassware, Polkadot and Anibrina at Wallis fc tO-We can sell you a hanging lamp 30 per cent less than before. allis Vallis.dl63w42 and see the latest novelty in hanging lamps and you will have no other. Wallis A Wallis.dlG3w-LJ ust received four crates of meat, uneanvassed Hams and Breakfast H- the Bridge Bonds and that saii eiection shall or description should call and see our stock.

We guarantee satisfaction or no uuuer ma general election laws of the State." In tftfttimnnxr urhorAnr wa v. county will hail with joy the change, in Phoebe Whitted A hns to George II Crippen, lot 10 Dlk 163, Village of Northfield -J uc ucrrumo bet pur hands, in said township, this 16th day of aie. i. w. nandall tl CO.d2HH3wlt 150 spite of the terrifying effects of that mighty name B.

T. D. Burden Eagle. Want Column. H.

H. MARTIN, Trustee. Clerk. WM. Alt I KK Treasurer.

Marie A Andrews A hus to Phoebe A Whitted, lot 10 blk 263 village of Northfield 100 The poll books of the city close for registration at 7 o'clock to-night, till after the railroad election. About eight hundred voters have registered, out of more than twelve hundred in the city. This is plenty to insure the railroad and bridge elections, but the rest must register before the eiection for city officers in April. The gravity of our present position will be shown at the meeting to-night. The interests of every person in Winfield who owns a foot of ground or is in business are at stake.

Let every citizen feel that he must do his level best to carry these bonds, and then in the event of failure you can console yourself with the thought that you did your full duty. The Cowley County Teachers Associa You business man who have done or no advertising during-the past Sarah A Robertson et ux to smith, lot 7 blk 80 Winfield 1 Advertisements tn tht column will be charged or at the rate of Eive Cent per Une. jer vcek. A'o wlvertiAement taken for less than Ticenty-Eive Cents. Notice to Take Deposition.

State of Kansas Cowley Couuty. In the District Court of nnlrl pnnnir year just sit down a moi3nt and compare your trade with that of your A Farmer et ux to McMullen hf se or sec 8 and nw qr sw qr 9-32-6e 120 acres 2000 To The Public. Having sold my interest in the Coal and Wood business to Ivan A. Robinson I take this method of thanking my friends and patrons for their liberal pa-tronago in the past five years, and would respectfully ask a continuance to my successor, Mr. Robinson.

Respectfully, A. II. Doane. ikuuciL tr laintin, Airainst neighbor who availed himself of the medium of a live country paper and kept his bargains before the public. In McClellan Newton to George Emily M.

Brad lev. Defendant. WANTED-At once, woman to do boaso work or man and wife to work on stock farm. Good wares paid. Must be tbortMigb-K Address, E.

M. Ford, Burden, con, dry, salt and smoked Bacon at Wal- To Emily M. Bradley, the above named The social hop at the Rink last night was very well attended considering the fact of the show and the weather both being antagonistic to the lucrative interest of the ball. Everything went off very smoothly under the guidance of Chas. Gay and the fine music of the Roberts Orchestra.

The Rink was a busy throng of whirling dancers until the bands on the dial were nearing the hour of two, when they separated in the sweet realization that they had passed one of the most enjoyable evenings of the season. There will be another special ball given to-night at the Rink. Have you a keen interest in the welfare of our city and county? Then be at the mass meeting at the Court House to-night to consider the new railroad the through route to Fort Worth the best route we will ever have a chance to secure. Never sit down. The community that always grabs for the golden egg is sure of success.

The egg will never come without your energy. The officials have again found a secret gambling den and have eight of the victims ready for dissecting belore Judge Snow. Most of them are young men, some quite young, who have no doubt laid down a number of good wads on the paste-board altar. Do not forget the railroad meetintr at aim iuomas iveny, ni se qr hf ne qr 12-34-7e 5 490 Dressed poultry, Oysters. Celery and You are hereby notified that will for the next dair named plaintiff will take tbe depositions of trying to be economical haven't you really lost money? Is it true economy not to advertise? You say you couldn't allord to advertise, that it costs too much, and yet there are men who came slaughter prices and sell class and Venison at Whiting Bros.d242t3 FOR RENT.

Buuury witnesses 10 ue usea as evidence in his behalf in the trial of the alinvn enfiiiprt queensware at greatly reduced prices to hvuiu me iruuuieanu expense oi mo vi ner. Wallis A Wallis.dlG3wti IOKKENT-A (rood furnished room one block west of Slain, 1017 Manninir.d2t4-6e to town a year ago unknown, and to-day Notice of Garnishment. the District Court of Cowley county, Kansas. That said depositions will be taken at tbe office of Geo. E.

Towne, situated over the store of Montgomery Talcot, at tbe corner ef Dunkirk street and the Rnuare. in the FOR HINT Three iarg-e rooms with and back stairs, over Roof, boot A store, inquire of W. C. RooUd243-tf Before J. E.

Enow, Justice of the Peace, City have as good, if not a better paying trade, than you have. They believe in printer's ink. They know that the people read the papers; that they scan ui lujiciu, vuwmy uuniy, siate or town of Silver Creek, countvof Chautauqua and state of New York, on Thursday, the 21st day of January, 1, between the hours of 8 o'clock m. aud 6 o'clock p. in.

and that such T71 OR EFA'T-On t. JCotice. Offiiee of Kansas City Southwestern Ram. John A. Eaton, Plaintiff.

1 vs. Jos. W. TImmons, Jona- inning win ue aajourned from day to day, btween the same hours. untU such deDOsitiona read Company.

Walnut Election. Notice to the voters of Walnut township, Cowley county. The Railroad bond election on the 27th day of January IS? will be held at the residence of Philip Belleville, in said township, near the resevoir, east of the city of Winfield. John C. Roberts, Trustee, T.A.Blanch, ard, J.

P. td N. B. Members of the Pleasant Hour Club, being entitled to tickets for the masquerade free, can obtain the same by calling on the Secretary, where they are now ready.d213. are completed.

winneia, Kansas Jan. tn, I've. Xotice Is hereby iriven that a anwial mii-t man uuncan ana u. i Mcllague, defendants, every advertising column for bargains, and that where cein petition is great, bargains must be advertised. It is a waste of money to hang sign boards on tion met to-day in the Central Ward school building, with a good attendance.

Little of importance was done before our press hour. will give the full report Monday. It is wonderful how a little loss will knock the equilibrihm out of a man. Win. D.

Carey has assassinated his moustache, a transformation wonderful to behold. Handsome before, he now looks "perfectly horrid." The Winfield Courier thinks they had cold weather last week and brags thac their thermometer got down to 16 degrees. We go you four better, boys, we marked 20 degiees. Udall Sentinel. fc-aid defendant.

Jos. W. tnmnnn 'not be. McDERMOTT JOIiySON, Attorneys for Plaintiff. fnsr of the stockholders of tbe Kansas City boutbwestern Railroad Company will be held at the office of the Secretary of said company i tbe City of Winfield, County of Cowlev.

A bulldm? now occupied by Halter's drug offices up stain. A. U. Green. T7I OR RENT A good four, roomed bouse I OR SALE TpOR SAT One Smith American organ, vif aU No- cor ave and North Menor street Ui-tf Ing found in the County of Cewley is hereby notified that on the 9th day ot December, ISf5, a notice of garnishment was issued by the above named justice to J.

C. McMullen, charcimr him as irarnishee of said defendant- State of Kansas, at 8 o'clock p. on the 30th country roads and bridges. To placard your name on fences and lamp posts is about as useless as to attach your name Sheriff's Sale aay oi January A. u.iseu, lor the following purposes: Jos.

W. Timmons. to recover the sum of 1 171 STATE OP KANSAS. I l. to consider and vote uoon a oronosiMnn to a garment already sold.

COWMET CCCNTY ana interest tnereon at the rate or 12 per cent, per annum from July 23, 1SS5, for which sum tbe defendants in this action are sued bv to ratify and adopt the act ion of tbe Board ot Directors of this Company in makinc. etr. the court house to-night. Let no trilling matter keep you at home. Much work has been done but much still remains to be done; and your committee and sneak M.

Ik Bead and L. Robinson 1 vs. The Winfield Creamery. 1 Be honest in small things. A man wko the plaintiff.

Said cause will be beard before said Justice on the 2itb day of January. 1SS6, at 10 o'clock a. m. J. F.

McMULLEN, is dishonest in small things is very apt FOR 8 ALB Fresh milch cow, at Frefet Ick Sons stable, east ittb avenue.d2tt By virtue of an execution to me directed to be so in larger transactions. Don't al Attest: Plaintiff's Attorney. J. E. Ssow, Justice of the Peace.

wkyl-t3 ers will plainly place the situation before cutinir and delivering of the lease of said Kansas City Southwestern Railroad, constructed and unconstructed. (retber with its property and franchises, to tbe tit. Louis San Francisco Railway Company for the full term of 96 years. toiretber witn iu property, rights, privileges and immunities. 2, To consider and vote upon a proposition to ratify and aiorove the action of thn ibiani low the habit of beingdishonest in small and delivered, issued ont of tbe District Court of tbe 13th Judicial District of tbe State of Kansas, sitting In and for Cowley county in said State, 1 will, on tbe you.

Summons by Puoncation. 25m day of JANUARY, A. D. Miss Ora Worden. after a month's vis transactions get a held on you.

Man, it has been said, is a bundle of habits; and haoii is second nature. It is man's best friend or worst enemy. of Directors of this. Company in making, is- it with her friends, Misses Nellie and Kate Rodeers. returned, via the s.

tt. Cattle men's convention round trip tickets from Winfield to Denver and return for twenty-four dollars, via T. ift S. F. railroad.

On sale January 20th to 25th Inclusive, good to return until Feb. 15, W. J. Kennedy, Agent.43tf Oar exchanges are making a great ado about the man that predicted an open winter and threatening all sorts of punishment if he showes up. Good Lord! What do you want? Open! Aintitwide open, and everything coming out.

Commend us to the man that can close it. FOR SALE-3 lots with a nice residence on eastlltb av; rooms, store room, bath room and closets, two good cellars, barn, grainary, and outbuildings, splendid well and cistern. One fruit and shade trees. A desira- nth avjs tMr Stnuel So- eMt TIOR SALE Old newspapers for sale at this AJ olHce at 50 cents per In the District Court within nd lot tbe County of Cowley, and State ol Kan a Elmira Only, plaintiff, 1 vs. Though this snow wasn't heavy, being followed by a freeze made a solid and slick bottom for sleighing.

Several cutters, with their jolly bells, were out last night and this morning. Manager Yocum gives a special dance at the Rink to-night, to which the Wither Troupe has been invited and will be present. Admission 50 cents. Music by Robert's Orchestra.dlt at tbe hour of 1 P. M.

of said day, at the south door of the Court House in Winfield, in the County and State aforesaid, offer at public sale and sell to tbe highest bidder, for cash in hand, all tbe right, title and interest suciug auu ueKuuaunir tne Donas oi this company for tbe sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars per mile for each and every mile of railroad constructed by this Cohdiot south of last evening, to her home in Garnett. She is a very attractive young lady and of the above named defendant in and to tbe Joseph Only, defendant. To tbe above named defenj Only. tbecroBsinr of the Neosha river in Coffey county, in the State of Kansas, and Fifteen Sol Burkhalter came in from Fowler, uiaue many menus during ner visit. Meade county, last eveniug.

He reports four men froz to death at Dodge, but uiiuauDd miliars por mile lor each and every mile constructed iiy said company between the said cros-ini? of the said Neosha river and the city of Kansas City in the state of Mis- Stand by the men who manifest their FOUXD. following described property to-wit: Lots eight. 8 nine 19 and ten 10) in block fifteen (15 1. in Hobinaon's addition to the City of Winfield, Cowley County, State of Kannas, taken as tbe property of the Winfield creamery; said property was appraised at Sixteen Hundred dollars and is levied upon and will oe sold as tbe property of tbe above named i ou are hereby notified that i 1 1 een sued In the above entitle! actio i the above named court by the plaintiff, Elmira Only, and that you must answer or plead to the said action on or before the 18th day of February, A 188H, or said petition will be taken as true, and judarment will Ik rendered Boun. ana oi curing ue payment Of the same by deed or trust to be marie, top 1 1 tori energy and public spirit and invest their capital in improving the town.

Every none uear Fowler. He says the reports great loss of life in that country are exaggerated. A large number of cattle delivered to the Farmers' Loan and Tin. good building that goes np, every vigor Cora i any of New York, upon all the railway defendant. i The sleighing to-day is elegant far better than at any time this winter.

The small boy was in his happiest element, with his hand sled hitched on every passing vehicle. ously pushed enterprise that brings bus IOIXD-A black hog, weighs about 100 pounds. Owner can have same by paying charges. F. M.

Dunn, lwXS Fuller BtJJv 61 OST A solid gold watch charm In th AJvhape of a mill roller. Finder eave at this offec and ge reward The name of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.

Bliss was accidentally omitted from the list of the Brown-Walrath wedding guests. perished. Georgo Fowler lost IDS head of sheep. Sol thinks the storm in the tumuuucu una unt onsirucien. ana other property and franchises and immunities of against you and In favor of the plaiutiff, forever divorcing her from you.

HACKXfcY 4 ASP. wkyl-t5 Attorneys for plaintiff. iness to the town, helps every individu Mills uuiupuuyg BV order Of the Board nf niiMtni-a city of Winfield, this 21st day of December. A. D.

1S5, ii. II. MCINT1UE. wito Sheriff Cowley County, Kansas. 'wild west" was less severe than here.

al who does business or owns property. Aw JJinbt E. ASP. Becretarv. i.

Winfield Daily Courier from Winfield, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

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